Q: What channel is not included in the default Channels report?

A) Organic Search
B) Display
C) Direct
D) Device

Correct Answer is D) Device.


The Channels report in Google Analytics is a default report that shows how different channels are driving traffic to your website. By default, Google Analytics categorizes traffic into channels based on the source of the traffic. These channels include Organic Search, Direct, Referral, Social, Email, and Paid Search. However, there is one channel that is not included in the default Channels report, and that is Display.

Display advertising refers to the practice of showing ads on other websites or mobile apps using display ad networks, such as Google Display Network or Facebook Audience Network. Display ads can take many forms, such as banner ads, video ads, or interstitial ads. Display advertising is a powerful way to reach new audiences and promote your brand, but it requires a different approach to tracking and analysis than other channels.

While display advertising is not included in the default Channels report, it is possible to create a custom channel group that includes display traffic. To do this, you need to go to the Channel Grouping settings in Google Analytics and create a new channel group that includes traffic from display ad networks. This can be done by using the source or medium dimension and including the relevant names and values for display ad networks.

Creating a custom channel group for display traffic allows you to analyze the performance of your display campaigns and compare it to other channels. You can see how much traffic and revenue your display campaigns are generating, how many new users they are bringing to your site, and how they compare to other channels in terms of conversion rates and engagement metrics.

In addition to custom channel groups, there are other ways to track and analyze display advertising in Google Analytics. For example, you can use custom campaign parameters, such as utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaign, to track the performance of individual display campaigns and see which campaigns are driving the most traffic and revenue. You can also use event tracking to track interactions with display ads, such as clicks, impressions, and video views.

Another way to analyze display advertising in Google Analytics is to use the Multi-Channel Funnels report. This report shows how different channels are interacting with each other in the conversion path and how they are contributing to conversions. By analyzing the role of display advertising in the conversion path, you can gain insights into how it is influencing user behavior and how it is working in conjunction with other channels to drive conversions.

In conclusion, while display advertising is not included in the default Channels report in Google Analytics, it is possible to create custom channel groups and use other tracking and analysis methods to measure its performance. By analyzing the performance of your display campaigns and comparing it to other channels, you can gain insights into how display advertising is contributing to your business goals and make data-driven decisions about your marketing strategy.

Read more here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/3297892

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