Q: Which UET setting allows you to count each conversion/each user who converted?

A) UET Tag Helper
B) Conversions goals
C) Account level conversion goals
D) Support for Unique conversions

Correct Answer is D) Support for Unique conversions.

Which UET setting allows you to count each conversion/each user who converted?


The term UET stands for Universal Event Tracking, a powerful tool that enables you to track and analyze the performance of your website. With UET, you can monitor various activities such as clicks, page views, and conversions. The setting options available in UET help you customize your tracking process to meet your specific business needs. One such setting is the ability to count each conversion/each user who converted. In this article, we will explain which UET setting allows you to count each conversion/each user who converted.

What is UET?

Universal Event Tracking (UET) is a powerful tool that helps you track the behavior of visitors to your website. It enables you to track various activities, such as clicks, page views, and conversions. UET works by placing a code on your website that monitors the actions of your visitors. This data is then collected and analyzed, enabling you to gain insights into the performance of your website.

Understanding Conversions:

Conversions refer to the number of times a visitor completes a specific action on your website. This could be anything from making a purchase to filling out a form or subscribing to a newsletter. Conversions are a critical metric for measuring the success of your website. They help you identify areas of your website that are performing well and those that need improvement.

Which UET setting allows you to count each conversion/each user who converted? The setting that allows you to count each conversion/each user who converted is called the “Count Type” setting. This setting determines how UET counts conversions on your website. The Count Type setting has three options:

  1. Every event: With this option, UET will count every conversion that occurs on your website, regardless of whether it’s the same user or not. This means that if a user makes multiple conversions on your website, each conversion will be counted separately.
  2. Unique events: With this option, UET will count only one conversion per user, even if that user makes multiple conversions on your website. This means that if a user makes three conversions on your website, UET will count it as only one conversion.
  3. Every unique event: With this option, UET will count every unique conversion that occurs on your website. A unique conversion is one that occurs for the first time by a particular user. This means that if a user makes three conversions on your website, but each conversion is unique, UET will count it as three separate conversions.

Which Count Type setting should you choose?

The Count Type setting you choose will depend on your business goals and what you want to achieve with UET. If your goal is to track the total number of conversions on your website, then you should choose the “Every event” option. This option will give you a detailed breakdown of all the conversions that occur on your website.

If your goal is to track the number of unique users who have converted on your website, then you should choose the “Unique events” option. This option will give you a more accurate picture of the number of users who have converted on your website.

If you want to track both the total number of conversions and the number of unique users who have converted, then you should choose the “Every unique event” option. This option will give you a comprehensive overview of all the conversions that have occurred on your website, as well as the number of unique users who have converted.


In conclusion, the Count Type setting in UET allows you to customize how conversions are counted on your website. Depending on your business goals and objectives, you can choose from three different options: Every event, unique events, and every unique event. By selecting the right Count Type setting, you can gain valuable insights into the performance of your website and optimize your marketing efforts to drive more conversions.

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