Understanding Non-Functional Requirements in Scrum

Non-functional requirements play an essential role in developing a successful product. They describe the attributes that a product or system must possess and are essential for ensuring that the product meets customer expectations and business objectives. In Scrum, it is essential to understand non-functional requirements to develop a product that delivers value to the customer. This article explains the importance of understanding non-functional requirements in Scrum and how to incorporate them into the development process.

What are Non-Functional Requirements?

Non-functional requirements refer to the attributes that a product or system must possess. These attributes are typically related to the product’s quality attributes and are essential for ensuring that the product meets customer expectations and business objectives. Examples of non-functional requirements include performance, scalability, security, usability, and maintainability.

In contrast to functional requirements, which describe what the product or system should do, non-functional requirements describe how the product or system should perform. They are essential for ensuring that the product or system is reliable, efficient, and meets the desired quality standards.

Why are Non-Functional Requirements Important in Scrum?

In Scrum, the primary focus is on delivering value to the customer through the iterative development of a product. Non-functional requirements are critical for ensuring that the product meets the customer’s expectations and delivers the desired business outcomes. Failure to consider non-functional requirements can result in a product that does not perform as expected, leading to customer dissatisfaction and negative business outcomes.

Incorporating Non-Functional Requirements in Scrum

To incorporate non-functional requirements in Scrum, it is essential to prioritize them in the product backlog. The product backlog is a list of features and requirements that the Scrum team uses to plan and prioritize their work. The Scrum team must work with the product owner to ensure that non-functional requirements are incorporated into the product backlog.

The Scrum team can also incorporate non-functional requirements into user stories. User stories are short, simple descriptions of a feature or requirement that describe what the user wants to achieve. The Scrum team can use user stories to describe non-functional requirements and ensure that they are incorporated into the development process.

Addressing Non-Functional Requirements during Sprint Planning

During sprint planning, the Scrum team must consider non-functional requirements when planning their work for the sprint. The team must ensure that they have the necessary resources, tools, and skills to address non-functional requirements during the sprint. They should also estimate the effort required to address non-functional requirements and ensure that they have sufficient time to complete the work.

Ensuring Non-Functional Requirements are Testable and Measurable

To ensure that non-functional requirements are met, they must be testable and measurable. The Scrum team must work with the product owner to define testable and measurable non-functional requirements. They must also ensure that the testing process includes appropriate metrics and measures to assess the performance of the product.

Collaborating with Stakeholders on Non-Functional Requirements

Collaboration with stakeholders is essential for incorporating non-functional requirements in Scrum. The Scrum team must work with stakeholders to understand their expectations and requirements. They must also collaborate with stakeholders to ensure that non-functional requirements are incorporated into the product backlog and addressed during the development process.

Evaluating Non-Functional Requirements in Sprint Review and Retrospective

The Scrum team must evaluate non-functional requirements in the sprint review and retrospective. The sprint review is a meeting where the Scrum team presents the work completed during the sprint to stakeholders. The Scrum team must ensure that non-functional requirements are met and that the product meets the desired quality standards. The retrospective is a meeting where the Scrum team reflects on the sprint and identifies opportunities for improvement. The Scrum team can use the retrospective to identify areas where they can improve their approach to non-functional requirements.

Prioritizing Non-Functional Requirements in Product Backlog

In Scrum, product backlog is a prioritized list of features or user stories that the team intends to deliver over multiple sprints. The backlog contains items that are categorized as functional and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements describe what the product should do, while non-functional requirements describe how the product should behave. Examples of non-functional requirements include performance, security, usability, scalability, and maintainability. Prioritizing non-functional requirements in product backlog is crucial for delivering a high-quality product that meets customer expectations.

Identifying Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements are often overlooked during project planning and can lead to unexpected problems during development or deployment. Therefore, identifying non-functional requirements is the first step in prioritizing them in product backlog. The Scrum team should work with stakeholders to gather and document non-functional requirements at the beginning of the project. This can be achieved through meetings, surveys, and other communication channels. It is important to involve all stakeholders, including customers, end-users, developers, testers, and business analysts, in the process of identifying non-functional requirements.

Categorizing Non-Functional Requirements

After identifying non-functional requirements, the Scrum team should categorize them based on their importance and impact on the product. This can be achieved by creating a matrix that maps each requirement to its corresponding category. The categories can include performance, security, usability, scalability, maintainability, and other relevant factors. The team should also consider the cost and effort required to implement each requirement.

Prioritizing Non-Functional Requirements

Prioritizing non-functional requirements is a complex process that requires careful analysis and consideration. The Scrum team should prioritize non-functional requirements based on their impact on the product and the customer. The team should also consider the business value, risk, and technical feasibility of each requirement. High-priority requirements should be included in the product backlog and addressed as early as possible in the development process. Low-priority requirements can be included in later sprints or deferred to future releases.

Collaborating with Stakeholders

Prioritizing non-functional requirements is a collaborative effort that involves all stakeholders. The Scrum team should work closely with stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations regarding non-functional requirements. The team should also seek feedback and input from stakeholders on the prioritization process. This can be achieved through meetings, reviews, and demonstrations. Collaborating with stakeholders can help ensure that the product meets their expectations and requirements.

Monitoring and Updating Prioritization

Prioritization of non-functional requirements is not a one-time process. The Scrum team should continuously monitor and update the prioritization based on changing requirements, feedback, and new information. This can be achieved by conducting regular reviews of the product backlog and assessing the impact of changes on non-functional requirements. The team should also consider the impact of new features or changes on existing non-functional requirements.

Addressing Non-Functional Requirements in Sprints

Once the non-functional requirements have been prioritized, they should be included in the product backlog and addressed in the sprints. The Scrum team should ensure that non-functional requirements are incorporated into user stories or tasks and estimated accordingly. The team should also ensure that non-functional requirements are tested thoroughly to ensure that they meet the specified criteria. This can be achieved through continuous integration and testing, automated testing, and manual testing.

Prioritizing non-functional requirements in product backlog is crucial for delivering a high-quality product that meets customer expectations. The Scrum team should identify, categorize, and prioritize non-functional requirements based on their impact on the product and customer. Collaborating with stakeholders and monitoring and updating prioritization can help ensure that the product meets their expectations and requirements. Addressing non-functional requirements in sprints and testing them thoroughly can help ensure that they meet the specified

Incorporating Non-Functional Requirements into User Stories

User stories are a key component of Scrum, and they provide a way to capture requirements from the perspective of the end-user. User stories help to define the functionality of the product, but they often do not explicitly address non-functional requirements. Incorporating non-functional requirements into user stories can help ensure that the product meets all necessary criteria.

What are Non-Functional Requirements?

Non-functional requirements define the quality attributes of a system, such as performance, security, usability, reliability, and scalability. They are often overlooked in favor of functional requirements, but they are just as important to the overall success of the product. Non-functional requirements are typically not visible to the end-user, but they can impact the user’s experience of the system.

Why Incorporate Non-Functional Requirements into User Stories?

Incorporating non-functional requirements into user stories can help ensure that the product meets all necessary criteria. By including non-functional requirements in the user stories, the development team is reminded of the importance of these requirements throughout the development process. This helps to ensure that non-functional requirements are not overlooked or ignored in favor of functional requirements.

How to Incorporate Non-Functional Requirements into User Stories?

Incorporating non-functional requirements into user stories can be challenging, as non-functional requirements are often abstract and difficult to quantify. However, there are several approaches that can be used to incorporate non-functional requirements into user stories:

  1. Use Acceptance Criteria

One way to incorporate non-functional requirements into user stories is to use acceptance criteria. Acceptance criteria are a set of conditions that must be met in order for the story to be considered complete. By including non-functional requirements in the acceptance criteria, the development team is reminded of the importance of these requirements.

For example, if the non-functional requirement is performance, the acceptance criteria could include statements such as “the page should load in less than 3 seconds” or “the application should be able to handle 500 concurrent users.”

  1. Add Technical Tasks

Another way to incorporate non-functional requirements into user stories is to add technical tasks to the story. Technical tasks are tasks that need to be completed in order to meet the non-functional requirement.

For example, if the non-functional requirement is security, the technical tasks could include tasks such as “implement SSL encryption” or “add password strength requirements.”

  1. Use User Story Templates

User story templates can also be used to incorporate non-functional requirements into user stories. A user story template is a pre-defined structure for user stories that includes fields for both functional and non-functional requirements.

For example, a user story template for a performance requirement could include fields for the expected response time, the maximum number of users, and the expected throughput.

  1. Create Separate User Stories

In some cases, it may be appropriate to create separate user stories for non-functional requirements. This can be useful when the non-functional requirement is complex or requires a significant amount of work.

For example, if the non-functional requirement is scalability, a separate user story could be created to address this requirement. The user story could include tasks such as “implement horizontal scaling” or “optimize database queries for scalability.”

  1. Collaborate with Stakeholders

Finally, it is important to collaborate with stakeholders when incorporating non-functional requirements into user stories. Stakeholders can provide valuable insight into the importance of non-functional requirements and can help ensure that all necessary requirements are included in the user stories.

By collaborating with stakeholders, the development team can ensure that the non-functional requirements are properly prioritized and that the product meets all necessary criteria.

Addressing Non-Functional Requirements during Sprint Planning

Sprint planning is an important part of the Scrum process that involves the entire Scrum team. It is during this time that the team members come together to plan the work that will be done during the upcoming sprint. One of the key elements of sprint planning is addressing non-functional requirements. In this article, we will discuss how to address non-functional requirements during sprint planning.

What are Non-Functional Requirements?

Non-functional requirements are those requirements that describe how a system should behave, rather than what it should do. These requirements are often related to performance, security, usability, and other similar areas. Examples of non-functional requirements include response time, scalability, reliability, and maintainability.

Identifying Non-Functional Requirements

The first step in addressing non-functional requirements during sprint planning is to identify them. The product owner and the development team should work together to identify the non-functional requirements that are relevant to the product. This can be done by reviewing the product backlog, discussing with stakeholders, and analyzing the user stories.

Prioritizing Non-Functional Requirements

Once the non-functional requirements are identified, the next step is to prioritize them. Prioritization is important because it helps the team to focus on the most important requirements first. The product owner should work with the development team to determine which non-functional requirements are the most important and should be addressed during the upcoming sprint.

Breaking Down Non-Functional Requirements into Tasks

Once the non-functional requirements are prioritized, they should be broken down into tasks. These tasks should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This means that the tasks should be specific enough to be actionable, measurable to track progress, achievable within the sprint, relevant to the non-functional requirement, and time-bound to ensure completion within the sprint.

Estimating the Effort for Non-Functional Requirements

After the tasks are identified, they should be estimated for effort. The development team should work together to estimate the effort required for each task. This helps the team to plan the work that can be done during the sprint and to identify any potential issues that may arise.

Assigning Tasks to Team Members

Once the tasks are estimated, they should be assigned to team members. Each team member should be assigned tasks that match their skill set and expertise. This ensures that the tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.

Tracking Progress of Non-Functional Requirements

During the sprint, it is important to track the progress of the non-functional requirements. The development team should use a tool or process to track the progress of each task. This helps the team to identify any potential issues that may arise and to make adjustments as needed.

In conclusion, addressing non-functional requirements during sprint planning is an important part of the Scrum process. The product owner and the development team should work together to identify, prioritize, break down, estimate, assign, and track the non-functional requirements. By doing so, the team can ensure that the non-functional requirements are addressed in a timely and efficient manner. This, in turn, can help to improve the overall quality of the product and enhance the user experience.

Ensuring Non-Functional Requirements are Testable and Measurable

In Scrum, it is essential to ensure that all requirements, including non-functional requirements, are testable and measurable. Non-functional requirements are often vague and challenging to quantify, but it is crucial to establish specific criteria for measuring them to ensure that they are met.

Identifying Measurable Criteria for Non-Functional Requirements

The first step in ensuring that non-functional requirements are testable and measurable is to identify measurable criteria for them. These criteria should be specific and measurable, and should be based on the non-functional requirements themselves. For example, if the non-functional requirement is “the system should be scalable,” the measurable criteria could be “the system should be able to handle 1,000 concurrent users.”

It is essential to work closely with stakeholders to identify measurable criteria for non-functional requirements. The criteria should be agreed upon by all parties, including the development team, product owner, and stakeholders.

Creating Acceptance Criteria for Non-Functional Requirements

Once measurable criteria have been established for non-functional requirements, the next step is to create acceptance criteria for them. Acceptance criteria are specific conditions that must be met to consider a user story complete.

Acceptance criteria for non-functional requirements should be created in collaboration with stakeholders and the development team. These criteria should be specific and measurable, and should align with the measurable criteria for the non-functional requirements themselves.

For example, if the non-functional requirement is “the system should be able to handle 1,000 concurrent users,” the acceptance criteria could be “the system should be able to handle 1,000 concurrent users without slowing down or crashing.”

Testing Non-Functional Requirements

Testing non-functional requirements can be challenging, as they often involve system performance and reliability, which may be difficult to simulate in a test environment. However, it is essential to test non-functional requirements to ensure that they are met.

Performance testing, load testing, and stress testing are some of the methods used to test non-functional requirements. These tests simulate real-world scenarios to ensure that the system can handle the required load and performance.

It is also essential to create automated tests to ensure that non-functional requirements are continually being met. Automated tests can be run regularly to ensure that the system continues to meet the measurable criteria for non-functional requirements.

Tracking and Reporting on Non-Functional Requirements

Finally, it is essential to track and report on non-functional requirements throughout the project. This ensures that stakeholders are aware of progress and any issues that arise.

Tracking non-functional requirements involves regularly measuring the system’s performance against the measurable criteria established for each non-functional requirement. Reporting on non-functional requirements involves communicating progress to stakeholders and the development team.

Incorporating non-functional requirements into Scrum can be challenging, but it is essential to ensure that the system is performant, reliable, and meets the needs of all stakeholders. Ensuring that non-functional requirements are testable and measurable, creating acceptance criteria for them, testing them thoroughly, and tracking and reporting on them are all essential steps in ensuring their successful implementation. By following these best practices, Scrum teams can ensure that non-functional requirements are met and that the system performs optimally.

Collaborating with Stakeholders on Non-Functional Requirements

In agile development methodologies like Scrum, collaboration is key to success. This includes collaborating with stakeholders, who are individuals or groups who have a vested interest in the outcome of the project. While stakeholders may primarily focus on functional requirements, non-functional requirements are equally important to the success of the project. Collaborating with stakeholders on non-functional requirements can ensure that these requirements are clearly defined, agreed upon, and prioritized.

Identifying Stakeholders and their Concerns

The first step in collaborating with stakeholders on non-functional requirements is to identify who the stakeholders are and what their concerns are. This includes both internal stakeholders, such as project team members, and external stakeholders, such as customers and users. Internal stakeholders may have concerns about technical feasibility, maintainability, and scalability, while external stakeholders may have concerns about usability, accessibility, and security.

Once stakeholders are identified, it is important to engage with them to understand their concerns and priorities. This can be done through various means, such as interviews, surveys, and focus groups. It is also important to involve stakeholders throughout the development process, such as through user acceptance testing, to ensure that their concerns are addressed.

Defining Non-Functional Requirements

Once stakeholders have been engaged and their concerns have been identified, the next step is to define non-functional requirements. Non-functional requirements are often more difficult to define than functional requirements, as they are typically not as concrete or specific. It is important to define non-functional requirements in a way that is clear, measurable, and testable.

One approach to defining non-functional requirements is to use the SMART criteria, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This means that non-functional requirements should be specific enough that they can be clearly understood, measurable so that progress can be tracked, achievable within the project constraints, relevant to the stakeholders’ concerns, and time-bound so that they can be completed within a reasonable timeframe.

Prioritizing Non-Functional Requirements

After non-functional requirements have been defined, they must be prioritized. Prioritizing non-functional requirements involves determining which requirements are most important to the stakeholders and the project as a whole. Prioritization can be done through various means, such as ranking, voting, and cost-benefit analysis.

One approach to prioritizing non-functional requirements is to use the MoSCoW prioritization method, which stands for Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won’t Have. This means that non-functional requirements that are critical to the success of the project are considered Must Have, requirements that are important but not critical are considered Should Have, requirements that are desirable but not necessary are considered Could Have, and requirements that are not necessary are considered Won’t Have.

Collaborating with the Development Team

Once non-functional requirements have been defined and prioritized, the next step is to collaborate with the development team to ensure that these requirements are incorporated into the development process. This includes discussing the feasibility of the requirements and determining how they will be implemented and tested.

Collaborating with the development team also involves ensuring that non-functional requirements are integrated into the development backlog and are included in sprint planning. This can help ensure that non-functional requirements are not overlooked or pushed aside in favor of functional requirements.

Monitoring Non-Functional Requirements

Once non-functional requirements have been incorporated into the development process, it is important to monitor progress and ensure that these requirements are being met. This can be done through various means, such as through regular status updates, progress reports, and testing.

It is also important to communicate progress on non-functional requirements to stakeholders, as they may have a vested interest in the outcome of these requirements. This can be done through regular stakeholder meetings or through status reports that are distributed to stakeholders.

Evaluating Non-Functional Requirements in Sprint Review and Retrospective

In Scrum, the sprint review and retrospective are critical events for evaluating the progress and identifying areas of improvement in the project. These events also provide an opportunity to evaluate the non-functional requirements and assess whether they have been met. Evaluating non-functional requirements in these events can help the team identify any gaps in the development process and take corrective measures to address them.

Sprint Review

The sprint review is a collaborative event where the team demonstrates the product increment that was developed during the sprint. During the sprint review, the team should evaluate the non-functional requirements that were identified for the sprint and determine whether they were met. If the non-functional requirements were not met, the team should identify the reasons why and take corrective actions to address them.

The product owner can provide feedback on whether the non-functional requirements were met and whether the product increment is meeting the customer’s needs. This feedback can help the team understand the impact of the non-functional requirements on the product and take corrective actions as needed.


The retrospective is a team event where the team reflects on the sprint that was completed and identifies areas for improvement. During the retrospective, the team should evaluate the non-functional requirements that were identified for the sprint and determine whether they were met. The team should also identify any gaps in the development process that may have prevented the non-functional requirements from being met.

The retrospective provides an opportunity for the team to collaborate and brainstorm solutions for addressing any gaps in the development process. The team can identify specific actions that they will take in the next sprint to ensure that the non-functional requirements are met. The retrospective also provides an opportunity for the team to evaluate the effectiveness of their process for incorporating non-functional requirements into the development process.


To ensure that non-functional requirements are met, it is important to establish metrics to measure their performance. The team can establish specific metrics that they will use to measure the performance of the non-functional requirements. For example, if the non-functional requirement is related to performance, the team can establish specific metrics for measuring the performance of the product increment.

During the sprint review and retrospective, the team can evaluate the metrics and determine whether the non-functional requirements were met. If the metrics indicate that the non-functional requirements were not met, the team can identify the reasons why and take corrective actions to address them.


In conclusion, non-functional requirements are an integral part of any software development project. A Scrum team must deal with them efficiently to ensure that the end product is stable, reliable, and secure. By identifying and prioritizing non-functional requirements, including them in the Definition of Done, collaborating with stakeholders, and using appropriate tools and techniques, the Scrum team can ensure that these requirements are met. This not only improves the overall quality of the software but also increases customer satisfaction. Therefore, it is essential for Scrum teams to give equal importance to both functional and non-functional requirements while developing software products.


Q: What are non-functional requirements, and why are they important for a Scrum team to consider?

A: Non-functional requirements are the criteria that software must meet, such as performance, security, reliability, and usability. These requirements are essential for the success of the software and must be considered by the Scrum team during development.

Q: How can a Scrum team prioritize non-functional requirements?

A: A Scrum team can prioritize non-functional requirements by discussing them with stakeholders, such as the product owner and the customer, and determining their relative importance. This helps the team to allocate resources and plan to address these requirements throughout the project.

Q: Should non-functional requirements be included in the Definition of Done?

A: Yes, non-functional requirements should be included in the Definition of Done to ensure that they are met and validated during each Sprint. This helps the team to ensure that the software meets the necessary non-functional criteria before it is considered complete.

Q: What tools and techniques can a Scrum team use to address non-functional requirements?

A: A Scrum team can use various tools and techniques, such as testing, monitoring, and profiling tools, to address non-functional requirements. These tools can help the team to identify and resolve issues related to performance, security, and reliability.

Q: How can a Scrum team collaborate with stakeholders to address non-functional requirements?

A: The Scrum team can collaborate with stakeholders, such as the product owner and the customer, to understand their non-functional requirements and expectations. This helps the team to align their work with the overall project goals and ensure that non-functional requirements are met. Regular communication with stakeholders can help the team to address any issues related to non-functional requirements early in the project.

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