Q: Fill the blank: When managing SEM campaigns, the best way to optimise your quality score is to improve the _________ of your keywords, adverts, and landing pages.

A) Importance
B) Clicks
C) Conversion
D) Relevance

Correct Answer is D) Relevance


The best way to optimize your quality score when managing SEM campaigns is to improve the relevance of your keywords, adverts, and landing pages. Quality score is a metric used by search engines to measure the relevance and value of your ads, and a high quality score can lead to lower costs and better ad performance.

To improve your quality score, you should ensure that your keywords are highly relevant to the products or services you are advertising, and that your ad copy and landing pages provide clear and valuable information to users. Additionally, you should strive to create a positive user experience by making your landing pages easy to navigate, loading quickly, and providing relevant information about your products or services.

By focusing on relevance and user experience, you can help improve your quality score and drive better results from your SEM campaigns.

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