Q: Best practices for using automated rules include the following: (Select 2)

A) Applying similar rules with different criteria to subsets of your account
B) Use maximum and minimum CPC limits or bid estimates
C) Moniter once per week
D) Use all five bidding strategies all of the time

Correct Answer is A) Applying similar rules with different criteria to subsets of your account, and B) Use maximum and minimum CPC limits or bid estimates.


Automated rules can be a powerful tool for managing and optimizing Google Ads campaigns. Here are some best practices for using automated rules:

  1. Start with simple rules: When you are new to using automated rules, it’s best to start with simple rules. For example, you might create a rule that automatically adjusts bids for keywords that have a low Quality Score or a high cost per conversion.
  2. Monitor your rules: It’s important to regularly monitor your automated rules to ensure that they are working as intended. Review your rules on a regular basis and make adjustments as necessary.
  3. Set clear conditions: When creating automated rules, be sure to set clear conditions that trigger the rule. For example, you might create a rule that increases bids when a keyword’s average position falls below a certain threshold.
  4. Be cautious with bid changes: Automated rules that adjust bids can have a significant impact on campaign performance. Be cautious when using bid adjustment rules and monitor the impact of bid changes on your campaign metrics.
  5. Use rules to manage budgets: Automated rules can be used to manage campaign budgets by adjusting bids or pausing campaigns when budget limits are reached.
  6. Consider time zones: When setting up automated rules that run on a schedule, be sure to consider time zones. Make sure that your rules are set up to run at a time that is appropriate for your target audience.
  7. Use email notifications: Automated rules can be set up to send email notifications when specific conditions are met. This can help you stay informed about important changes in your campaigns.
  8. Test and iterate: Like any aspect of Google Ads, it’s important to test and iterate with your automated rules. Try out different rules and adjust them over time to find the best settings for your campaign.


In conclusion, using automated rules can be a great way to save time and optimize your Google Ads campaigns. By following these best practices, you can create effective rules that help you achieve your advertising goals.

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