Q: Yuto owns a souvenir shop in Tokyo. He wants to reach English speaking tourists in his city during certain hours of the day. Which three areas of his Search campaign does Yuto need to adjust to achieve this goal? (Choose three.)

A) Network settings
B) Ad scheduling
C) Shared budgets
D) Location targeting

E) Language targeting

Correct Answer is: B, D, and E.


If Yuto wants to reach English speaking tourists in his city during certain hours of the day, he’ll need to adjust three areas of his Google Ads search campaign:

  1. Location targeting: Yuto needs to target his advertisements to the geographic locations where his target audience is most likely to be. He can use location targeting to specify the cities, regions, or even countries where he wants his ads to show.
  2. Language targeting: To reach English speaking tourists, Yuto needs to target his ads to users who have their language set to English. This can be done in the “Languages” section of the campaign settings.
  3. Ad scheduling: Yuto can control the hours of the day when his ads are shown by using ad scheduling. He can specify the times when he wants his ads to be displayed, and pause or adjust bids for specific hours of the day when tourists are less likely to be searching for souvenirs.

By adjusting these three areas of his search campaign, Yuto can ensure that his ads are being shown to his target audience at the right times and in the right locations. This will help him reach the right people, improve the performance of his campaigns, and drive more conversions.

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