Q: Which of the following is an advantage of e-commerce?

A) Segmentation of audiences
B) Minimal interaction required with the customer
C) Low operational costs
D) More relaxed checkout procedure

Correct Answer is C) Low operational costs


There are many advantages of e-commerce, some of which include:

  1. Convenience: E-commerce allows customers to shop from anywhere and at any time, making it highly convenient and accessible.
  2. Wider reach: E-commerce businesses can reach a global audience, providing opportunities for companies to expand into new markets and reach customers in different countries.
  3. Lower costs: E-commerce businesses typically have lower overhead costs than brick-and-mortar stores, which can result in lower prices for customers.
  4. Personalized shopping experiences: E-commerce platforms can use data and algorithms to provide customers with personalized recommendations and experiences, which can improve customer satisfaction and increase sales.
  5. Easy comparison shopping: E-commerce platforms provide customers with the ability to easily compare prices and products from multiple retailers, helping them make informed purchasing decisions.
  6. Increased access to information: E-commerce platforms often provide detailed product information, customer reviews, and other resources to help customers make informed purchasing decisions.
  7. Improved customer engagement: E-commerce platforms can use tools such as email marketing, social media, and chatbots to engage with customers and build relationships.

These are just a few of the many advantages of e-commerce. By leveraging these benefits, e-commerce businesses can grow and succeed in today’s rapidly evolving digital marketplace.


What is e-commerce and how does it work?

E-commerce is the process of buying and selling goods or services online. It typically involves a website or mobile application where customers can browse products, make purchases, and pay electronically. Businesses use e-commerce to reach a wider audience and increase sales.

What are the advantages of e-commerce?

One advantage of e-commerce is that it provides customers with convenience and accessibility, as they can shop from anywhere at any time. E-commerce also offers businesses a global reach, allowing them to reach customers beyond their geographic location. Additionally, e-commerce can reduce overhead costs for businesses, such as rent and staffing expenses.

Can e-commerce help increase sales for businesses?

Yes, e-commerce can help increase sales for businesses by reaching a wider audience, providing customers with convenience and accessibility, and offering personalized recommendations and promotions. E-commerce also allows businesses to track customer behavior and preferences, enabling them to tailor their offerings to specific customers.

Are there any risks associated with e-commerce?

Yes, there are some risks associated with e-commerce, such as fraud, identity theft, and data breaches. Customers should take precautions to protect their personal and financial information, such as using secure passwords and only shopping from reputable websites. Businesses should also take steps to ensure the security of their customers’ information.

How can businesses get started with e-commerce?

Businesses can get started with e-commerce by creating a website or mobile application where customers can browse products, make purchases, and pay electronically. They should also consider marketing their offerings through social media and other online channels to reach a wider audience. Businesses should also invest in secure payment processing and data protection measures to ensure the security of their customers’ information.

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