Q: To pair metrics with dimensions, what should they have in common?

A) Same view
B) Same scope
C) Same creation date
D) Same creator

Correct Answer is B) Same scope.


When pairing metrics with dimensions in Google Analytics, it’s important to ensure that they have a common characteristic or context. This helps to provide a meaningful analysis of your data. Here are some things that metrics and dimensions should have in common when pairing them:

  1. Temporal context: If you’re looking at metrics over a certain time period, it makes sense to pair them with dimensions that also relate to time. For example, you might pair pageviews with the date dimension to see how many pages were viewed each day.
  2. Geographical context: If you’re looking at metrics that relate to geographical locations, it makes sense to pair them with dimensions that also relate to geography. For example, you might pair transactions with the city dimension to see which cities are generating the most sales.
  3. User context: If you’re looking at metrics that relate to user behavior, it makes sense to pair them with dimensions that also relate to users. For example, you might pair session duration with the user type dimension to see how long different types of users are spending on your site.
  4. Page context: If you’re looking at metrics that relate to specific pages on your site, it makes sense to pair them with dimensions that also relate to pages. For example, you might pair bounce rate with the page dimension to see which pages are causing visitors to leave your site quickly.

By pairing metrics with dimensions that have a common characteristic or context, you can gain a better understanding of your data and use it to make more informed decisions about your digital marketing strategies.

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