Q: Mobile advertising is a great tool for marketers, but all that good work could be undone if your website isn’t what?

A) Text heavy
B) Full of relevant information
C) Visually engaging
D) Optimised for different devices

Correct Answer is D) Optimised for different devices


Mobile advertising can be an effective tool for marketers, but if the website it leads to is not optimized for mobile devices, it could undo all the good work that has been done.

A website that is not optimized for mobile devices can lead to a poor user experience, with slow load times, difficult navigation, and unreadable text. This can lead to high bounce rates, low conversion rates, and a negative impact on the brand.

To ensure that the investment in mobile advertising is effective, it is crucial that the website it leads to is optimized for mobile devices. This can include designing the website with a responsive layout that adjusts to the size of the screen, ensuring that the site loads quickly on mobile devices, and making navigation easy and intuitive. By doing this, marketers can provide a positive and seamless experience for mobile users and increase the likelihood of conversions.

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