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Which of the following is not true about Iot devices

A) Millions of IoT devices connected to the Internet can be harnessed as part of a botnet.
B) Device manufacturers focus on the device functionality and not security.
C) Attackers may inject bad data into an IoT network through an IoT device like a sensor.
D) These small devices are easily patched by the user, whether consumer or industrial.

Correct Answer is D) These small devices are easily patched by the user, whether consumer or industrial.

The statement that is not true about IoT devices is D) These small devices are easily patched by the user, whether consumer or industrial.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing network of devices that are connected to the internet and can communicate with each other. IoT devices can be found in various fields, including healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing, among others. While IoT devices offer numerous benefits, they also pose some risks, such as privacy concerns and security vulnerabilities. In this article, we will explore the statement “which of the following is not true about IoT devices.”

IoT Devices are Secure by Design

One of the statements that are not true about IoT devices is that they are secure by design. Many IoT devices are designed with functionality and convenience in mind, rather than security. This means that security is often an afterthought, and devices are released to the market with vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers.

Furthermore, many IoT devices are connected to the internet without proper security measures in place, making them susceptible to attacks. IoT devices are often left unsecured, with default passwords that are easily guessed, making them an easy target for attackers.

IoT Devices are Expensive

Another statement that is not true about IoT devices is that they are expensive. While some IoT devices can be costly, there are also many affordable options available. The cost of IoT devices varies depending on the functionality, features, and the manufacturer. However, the overall trend in the IoT industry is towards affordable devices that are accessible to a wider range of consumers.

IoT Devices are Only Used in Consumer Applications

Another statement that is not true about IoT devices is that they are only used in consumer applications. While consumer applications are one of the most common uses of IoT devices, they are also used in various fields, including healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation, among others. IoT devices are used in these fields to monitor equipment, track shipments, and collect data that can be used to optimize operations and improve efficiency.

IoT Devices are Always Connected to the Internet

Another statement that is not true about IoT devices is that they are always connected to the internet. While many IoT devices are designed to be connected to the internet, some devices can operate without an internet connection. For example, some smart home devices can be controlled using a local network, without the need for an internet connection. In some cases, IoT devices are designed to operate in environments where an internet connection is not available, such as in remote locations.

IoT Devices are Not Regulated

Another statement that is not true about IoT devices is that they are not regulated. While the IoT industry is relatively new and lacks comprehensive regulations, there are some regulations in place that apply to IoT devices. For example, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued guidelines for IoT devices that require manufacturers to take steps to ensure the security and privacy of their devices. In addition, some countries have enacted laws and regulations that apply specifically to IoT devices.


In conclusion, the statement “which of the following is not true about IoT devices” is open to interpretation, as there are many different statements that could be made about IoT devices. However, some statements that are not true include the idea that IoT devices are secure by design, expensive, only used in consumer applications, always connected to the internet, and not regulated. It is important to understand the potential risks associated with IoT devices and take steps to mitigate these risks, such as ensuring that devices are secured properly and that regulations are in place to protect consumers.

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