Q: View filters are applied in what order?

A) Custom Dimension
B) Demographics and Interests
C) Google Ads or Display & Video 360 account linking
D) Advertising Reporting Features

Correct Answer is C) Google Ads or Display & Video 360 account linking, and D) Advertising Reporting Features


To enable remarketing in Google Analytics, you first need to enable the Advertising Features in your Google Analytics account.

Advertising Features are a set of tools and features in Google Analytics that allow you to collect and use data for advertising and marketing purposes. To enable these features, you need to go to the Admin section of your Google Analytics account, select the Property and then click on the “Tracking Info” option. From there, you can enable the Advertising Features by clicking the toggle switch for “Advertising Features.”

Once you have enabled Advertising Features, you will have access to a range of features, including remarketing. To set up remarketing, you need to create a remarketing tag, which is a small piece of code that you add to your website. This tag collects information about your website visitors, such as their interests and actions, and sends it to Google Analytics.

With remarketing enabled, you can use this information to create targeted advertising campaigns on Google Ads, reaching users who have already interacted with your website. You can also use this information to segment your Google Analytics reports, and gain deeper insights into the behavior and interests of your audience.

Enabling Advertising Features and setting up remarketing are important steps in creating a successful marketing and advertising strategy, as they allow you to reach your audience with relevant, targeted messages and improve the performance of your campaigns.

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