Q: Every ad contains a URL displaying your website address. You can add two optional path fields to the display URL in a text ad. What’s an advantage of using these optional path fields?
A) To allow the Google Ads system to anticipate what content is present on the landing page
B) To match an appropriate landing page with the search term that triggered the ad
C) To give users more options over which landing page they want to navigate to
D) To give users an idea of the content they’ll see upon clicking the ad
Correct Answer is B) To match an appropriate landing page with the search term that triggered the ad
An advantage of using the optional path fields in a display URL is that they provide additional context and information to potential customers about the specific page or product that the ad is promoting.
The optional path fields allow you to add up to two additional lines of text to the display URL, typically separated by a forward slash “/”. For example, if Lance’s website address is “www.antiquetoyshop.com,” he could add the optional path fields to show “www.antiquetoyshop.com/vintage-toys” or “www.antiquetoyshop.com/lego-sets“.
By adding these optional path fields, Lance can help to clarify the specific page or product that the ad is promoting and make it easier for potential customers to understand what they will find on his site if they click the ad. This can help to increase the relevance of the ad and encourage more people to click through, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. Additionally, including specific keywords in the path fields can also help to boost the ad’s relevance and improve its quality score.