Q: What is an example of product merchandising?

A) Cross-selling products in the checkout process
B) Displaying very specific, featured products on your home page
C) Adding a way for customers to filter your products
D) Running an ad for your products

Correct Answer is B) Displaying very specific, featured products on your home page


Product merchandising is a marketing strategy used by retailers to promote and sell products in their stores or online. It involves displaying products in an attractive and appealing way to entice customers to make a purchase. One example of product merchandising is the use of product displays, which are designed to showcase products and draw attention to them. In this article, we will explore the different aspects of product merchandising, including product displays, packaging, and placement.

Product Displays

Product displays are a key aspect of product merchandising, and retailers use a variety of techniques to create visually appealing displays that attract customers. One common technique is to use color to draw attention to products. Bright, bold colors can help products stand out on the shelves and catch the eye of potential customers. Retailers may also use lighting and props to create a specific mood or theme for a product display. For example, a display of beach towels and sunscreen might be accompanied by sand and seashells to create a beach-themed display.


Packaging is another important aspect of product merchandising. Effective packaging can help products stand out on the shelves and create a memorable brand identity. Packaging should be visually appealing and easy to recognize, with clear branding and messaging that communicates the product’s benefits. Retailers may also use creative packaging designs, such as unique shapes or textures, to make products more memorable and appealing to customers.


Product placement is also a critical part of product merchandising. Retailers strategically place products throughout their stores to increase visibility and encourage impulse purchases. High-traffic areas, such as the checkout counter, are popular spots for placing products that are often purchased on impulse, such as gum, candy, and magazines. Products that are related to each other, such as shampoo and conditioner, are often placed near each other on the shelves to encourage customers to purchase both products.


Product merchandising is a complex strategy that requires careful planning and execution. Effective product displays, packaging, and placement can help retailers increase sales and create a memorable brand identity. By using techniques such as color, lighting, and props, retailers can create visually appealing displays that attract customers’ attention. Creative packaging designs and strategic product placement can also help products stand out on the shelves and encourage customers to make a purchase. Ultimately, successful product merchandising requires a deep understanding of customer behavior and preferences, as well as a willingness to experiment and try new approaches.


What is product merchandising and why is it important?

Product merchandising is a marketing strategy used by retailers to promote and sell products in their stores or online. It involves creating visually appealing displays, using effective packaging, and strategic product placement to attract customers and increase sales.

What are some examples of product merchandising techniques?

Some examples of product merchandising techniques include using color to draw attention to products, creating themed displays with lighting and props, using creative packaging designs, and strategically placing products throughout the store to encourage impulse purchases.

How can retailers use product displays to promote their products?

Retailers can use product displays to showcase their products and draw attention to them. They can use a variety of techniques, such as color, lighting, and props, to create visually appealing displays that attract customers’ attention and encourage them to make a purchase.

How does packaging impact product merchandising?

Packaging is an important aspect of product merchandising, as it can help products stand out on the shelves and create a memorable brand identity. Effective packaging should be visually appealing, easy to recognize, and communicate the product’s benefits to the customer.

What is the role of product placement in product merchandising?

Product placement is a critical part of product merchandising, as it involves strategically placing products throughout the store to increase visibility and encourage impulse purchases. Products that are related to each other are often placed near each other on the shelves to encourage customers to purchase both products. High-traffic areas, such as the checkout counter, are also popular spots for placing products that are often purchased on impulse.

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