Q: What can Local Catalog Ads do?

A) Promote store deals
B) Drive store visits
C) Reach mobile shoppers
D) All of the above

Correct Answer is D) All of the above.


Local Catalog Ads are a type of advertising solution offered by Google that allows local businesses to showcase their products to potential customers in a visually appealing and interactive way. Local Catalog Ads can do the following:

  1. Highlight products: Local Catalog Ads allow businesses to showcase their products by featuring images and descriptions of the items for sale. This helps to draw attention to the products and entice customers to learn more.
  2. Boost visibility: Local Catalog Ads are displayed to potential customers on Google Search and Google Maps, giving businesses increased visibility and exposure. This makes it easier for customers to discover the products they are interested in and find the nearest store that carries them.
  3. Improve targeting: Local Catalog Ads can be targeted to specific geographic locations and customer segments, making it easier for businesses to reach the right audience.
  4. Streamline shopping: Local Catalog Ads allow customers to browse and purchase products directly from the ad, streamlining the shopping process and making it easier for customers to make a purchase.

Overall, Local Catalog Ads can help local businesses increase their visibility, reach a targeted audience, and drive more sales. By showcasing their products in a visually appealing and interactive way, businesses can attract more customers and generate more revenue.

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