True or false? Every business exists primarily to create profits?

A) True – A business might have other goals it wants to achieve, but its leaders must be focused on profits first in order to achieve those other goals.
B) True – A business only exists to create profits for the people it employs.
C) False – Businesses should not think about profits at all. Instead, they should find a higher purpose to fulfill.
D) False – Although most businesses have to generate profits in order to sustain themselves, every business exists to fulfill a specific purpose.

Correct Answer is D) False – Although most businesses have to generate profits in order to sustain themselves, every business exists to fulfill a specific purpose.


The concept of profit is central to the idea of a business. However, there is much debate around whether the primary goal of a business is to create profits. Some argue that businesses exist primarily to generate revenue and profits, while others argue that businesses exist to serve a higher purpose beyond just making money. Let’s explore this question in more detail.

Defining Profit

Profit is the amount of money that a business earns after deducting its expenses. It’s what’s left over after a business has paid for all of its costs, including salaries, rent, materials, and any other expenses. Profit is important for a business because it allows them to invest in growth, pay dividends to shareholders, and reward employees.

The Profit-First Model

Many businesses operate under what’s known as the profit-first model, which means that the primary goal is to maximize profits. This model assumes that the main reason for starting a business is to make money, and that profits are the ultimate measure of success. This model encourages businesses to focus on reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and finding ways to generate more revenue.

Critiques of the Profit-First Model

However, some argue that the profit-first model can be shortsighted and ultimately harmful to a business. Here are some critiques of the profit-first model:

  1. Lack of Purpose

Focusing solely on profits can lead businesses to lose sight of their purpose and values. Without a clear sense of why they exist beyond making money, businesses can become disconnected from their customers and employees, which can ultimately harm their bottom line.

  1. Negative Impact on Stakeholders

Focusing only on profits can also harm other stakeholders, such as employees, customers, and the environment. For example, if a business is solely focused on profits, they may cut corners on employee benefits or engage in unethical practices to save money.

  1. Short-Term Thinking

The profit-first model can also encourage short-term thinking, as businesses may prioritize immediate profits over long-term growth and sustainability. This can lead to missed opportunities for innovation and growth in the long run.

Beyond Profits: Purpose-Driven Business

An alternative to the profit-first model is the purpose-driven business model, which places a higher emphasis on serving a larger purpose beyond just making money. This model assumes that businesses exist to create value for their customers, employees, and society as a whole.

Purpose-driven businesses focus on the long-term impact they can have on their stakeholders and the world. They prioritize sustainability, ethical practices, and social responsibility. By creating value for their stakeholders, purpose-driven businesses believe that they can ultimately generate profits in a more sustainable and meaningful way.

Examples of Purpose-Driven Businesses

There are many examples of purpose-driven businesses, such as:

  1. Patagonia

Patagonia is an outdoor clothing and gear company that is committed to sustainability and ethical practices. They prioritize transparency in their supply chain, reduce waste, and invest in renewable energy. By doing so, they not only create value for their customers but also for the environment and society as a whole.

  1. Warby Parker

Warby Parker is an eyewear company that was founded with the mission of making affordable, high-quality glasses. They also have a social mission to distribute glasses to people in need. By doing so, they not only create value for their customers but also for those who may not have access to eyewear.

  1. TOMS

TOMS is a shoe company that donates a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair purchased. They also have expanded their social mission to include eyewear and clean water initiatives. By doing so, they create value for their customers and for those in need around the world.


In conclusion, while profit is an important aspect of a business, it’s not the only reason businesses exist.

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