Q: Bob’s electronics company has quite a buzz around a new television they’re launching, called UltraView1000. This television is equipped with an accessibility feature that lets voice commands it. Bob decides to use broad match modifier in his Search Ads campaign with the keywords “television,” “accessible,” and “voice.” Which benefit does broad match modifier give Bob’s Search Ads campaign?

A) Bob’s ad will appear if the search terms contain all three of the exact keywords.
B) Bob’s ad will appear if search terms contain at least one of the keywords and words right before or after them.
C) Bob’s ad will appear if search terms contain at least all three of the keywords or variations of those terms.
D) Bob’s ad will appear if search terms contain at least one of the keywords or variations of those terms.

Correct Answer is C) Bob’s ad will appear if search terms contain at least all three of the keywords or variations of those terms.


Using broad match modifier in Bob’s Search Ads campaign with the keywords “television,” “accessible,” and “voice” will help him to reach a larger audience who are searching for products related to those keywords. Broad match modifier is a keyword match type that allows ads to show for searches that include the modified term or close variations of it, but not for synonyms or related concepts like in broad match.

The benefit of using broad match modifier is that it provides a balance between the broad reach of broad match and the specific targeting of phrase match and exact match. By adding a plus sign (+) before one or more keywords in a broad match modifier, Bob is telling Google Ads that the ads should only show for searches that include those specific keywords.

For example, if someone searches for “accessible televisions,” Bob’s ad may appear because the term “accessible” is included in the broad match modifier. However, if someone searches for “smart televisions,” Bob’s ad will not appear because “smart” is not part of the broad match modifier.

This allows Bob to target a specific audience who are interested in accessible televisions with voice command feature, without limiting his reach to exact or phrase matches only. Broad match modifier can help Bob to increase his campaign’s performance by reaching a wider audience who are likely to be interested in his product, while still maintaining some level of control over which searches trigger his ads.


In conclusion, using broad match modifier in Bob’s Search Ads campaign with the keywords “television,” “accessible,” and “voice” will give him the benefit of reaching a larger audience who are interested in accessible televisions with voice command feature, while maintaining some level of control over which searches trigger his ads.

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