What Must an Entrepreneur Do After Creating a Business Plan?

Creating a business plan is an essential step for any entrepreneur looking to start a new business. However, a business plan is not a one-time activity. It is a living document that needs to be updated regularly to reflect changes in the business environment and the entrepreneur’s goals. In this article, we will discuss what an entrepreneur must do after creating a business plan.

Refine the business plan

After creating a business plan, the entrepreneur should take the time to review and refine it. This process involves looking at the plan with a critical eye and identifying areas that need improvement or clarification. The entrepreneur should also ensure that the plan is aligned with their goals and that it accurately reflects the current state of the business.

Seek feedback

Another crucial step for entrepreneurs after creating a business plan is to seek feedback from others. This feedback can come from a variety of sources, such as mentors, advisors, potential customers, and investors. Getting feedback from others can help the entrepreneur identify blind spots and potential pitfalls in the plan and make necessary adjustments.

Start executing the plan

Creating a business plan is only the first step in starting a new business. The real work begins when the entrepreneur starts executing the plan. This involves taking concrete actions to bring the business to life, such as registering the business, securing funding, developing products or services, and marketing the business to potential customers.

Monitor progress

Once the entrepreneur starts executing the plan, they must monitor their progress regularly. This involves tracking key metrics, such as revenue, expenses, customer acquisition, and retention rates. Monitoring progress allows the entrepreneur to identify areas of the business that are performing well and areas that need improvement. It also enables the entrepreneur to make data-driven decisions to optimize the business’s performance.

Adapt the plan as needed

As the entrepreneur monitors their progress, they may discover that certain aspects of the business plan are not working as expected. In such cases, the entrepreneur must be willing to adapt the plan as needed. This may involve revising the business model, pivoting to a different market or product, or adjusting the marketing strategy.

Seek professional help

Entrepreneurs should also be willing to seek professional help when needed. This may involve hiring employees, consultants, or advisors who can provide expertise in areas such as accounting, legal, marketing, or product development. Seeking professional help can help the entrepreneur avoid common mistakes and navigate complex business challenges.

Build a Team

Building a team is crucial for any business’s success. The entrepreneur needs to hire employees who share their vision and can help them execute their business plan. They need to identify the skills and expertise necessary to achieve their goals and build a team that can deliver.

Develop a Marketing Strategy

A marketing strategy is essential for any business looking to acquire and retain customers. The entrepreneur needs to identify their target market, develop a unique selling proposition, and create a marketing plan that can reach their target audience effectively.

Secure Funding

Securing funding is often necessary to start and grow a business. The entrepreneur needs to identify potential sources of funding, such as banks, investors, or government grants, and prepare a strong pitch that demonstrates their business’s potential for success.

Register the Business

Registering the business is essential to ensure that it is legal and recognized by the government. The entrepreneur needs to research and comply with the legal requirements in their location, such as registering for taxes, obtaining a business license, and registering for necessary permits.

Set up Legal and Accounting Systems

Setting up legal and accounting systems is crucial to manage the business’s finances and comply with legal requirements. The entrepreneur needs to establish a system for tracking income and expenses, preparing financial statements, and complying with tax laws.

Obtain Necessary Licenses and Permits

Obtaining necessary licenses and permits is crucial to operate the business legally. The entrepreneur needs to research the permits and licenses required in their location and apply for them before starting the business.

Develop Products or Services

Developing products or services is essential for any business looking to generate revenue. The entrepreneur needs to identify the needs of their target market and develop products or services that meet those needs effectively.

Acquire Customers

Acquiring customers is essential to generate revenue and grow the business. The entrepreneur needs to develop a plan to reach their target audience effectively, such as through advertising, social media, or word of mouth.

Network and build relationships

Networking and building relationships with other entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts is another essential step for entrepreneurs after creating a business plan. Networking allows entrepreneurs to learn from others’ experiences, find potential partners or investors, and gain access to new opportunities.

Stay focused on the long-term vision

Finally, it is essential for entrepreneurs to stay focused on the long-term vision for their business. While it is necessary to adapt and adjust the business plan as needed, the entrepreneur should not lose sight of their long-term goals. Staying focused on the long-term vision can help entrepreneurs overcome short-term setbacks and make decisions that align with their ultimate objectives.


In conclusion, creating a business plan is only the first step in starting a new business. After creating a plan, entrepreneurs must refine it, seek feedback, start executing the plan, monitor progress, adapt the plan as needed, seek professional help, network and build relationships, and stay focused on the long-term vision. By following these steps, entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success and build a thriving business.


Q: Why is it important to refine the business plan after creating it?

A: Refining the business plan can help the entrepreneur identify any potential problems or areas for improvement before starting the business. It can also ensure that the plan aligns with the entrepreneur’s goals and reflects the current state of the business accurately.

Q: What should an entrepreneur consider when seeking feedback on their business plan?

A: An entrepreneur should seek feedback from trusted sources, such as mentors, advisors, or potential customers. They should also ask for specific feedback on areas that they are unsure about or need improvement.

Q: How can an entrepreneur start executing their business plan?

A: The entrepreneur can start executing their plan by identifying the first steps and prioritizing the most critical tasks. They should also establish a timeline and hold themselves accountable for completing each task on time.

Q: What should an entrepreneur do to monitor their progress?

A: An entrepreneur should regularly review their progress against their goals and adjust their plan as needed. They should also track their financials and other key metrics to ensure that they are on track to achieve their objectives.

Q: How can an entrepreneur adapt their business plan as needed?

A: An entrepreneur can adapt their plan by identifying any changes in their industry, market, or customer needs and adjusting their plan accordingly. They may also need to pivot their business model or product/service offering to remain competitive.

Q: When should an entrepreneur seek professional help for their business?

A: An entrepreneur should seek professional help when they lack expertise in critical areas such as accounting, legal, or marketing. They should also consider hiring employees or consultants to fill any skill gaps in their team.

Q: How can an entrepreneur acquire customers for their business?

A: An entrepreneur can acquire customers through various methods, including advertising, social media, referrals, or networking. They should develop a marketing strategy that targets their ideal customer and identifies the most effective channels for reaching them.

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