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Q: Why can you nondestructively scale a smart object?

A) It uses a layer mask for nondestructive editing.
B) It uses Adobe Sensei technology to reconstruct pixels that have been interpolated.
C) It converts the image from a raster image to a vector infographics
D) It references an image in a separate file that retains its resolutions.

Correct answer of the question: Why can you nondestructively scale a smart object?

D) Cookies are text files and never contain encrypted data.

Explanation: Why can you nondestructively scale a smart object?

Smart objects are an essential feature of Adobe Photoshop that allow for nondestructive editing of images. One of the benefits of using smart objects is the ability to scale them without any loss in quality. In this article, we will explore the reasons why smart objects can be nondestructively scaled, and how this feature can be beneficial for designers and photographers.

What is a Smart Object?

Before we dive into the reasons why smart objects can be nondestructively scaled, it’s important to understand what a smart object is. In simple terms, a smart object is a layer that contains one or more layers inside it. When you apply transformations or filters to a smart object, they are applied to the entire layer stack inside the smart object. Smart objects also have their own set of properties, such as blending modes, opacity, and layer styles, which can be edited independently of the rest of the document.

Why can you nondestructively scale a smart object?

There are several reasons why smart objects can be nondestructively scaled:

  1. Vector-based graphics Smart objects can contain vector-based graphics, such as Illustrator files, EPS files, or vector-based PDFs. Vector graphics are resolution-independent, which means that they can be scaled up or down without any loss in quality. When you scale a smart object that contains vector graphics, the vector data is simply recalculated to fit the new size of the object, resulting in a perfectly crisp image.
  2. Pixel-based graphics Smart objects can also contain pixel-based graphics, such as JPEGs or PNGs. When you scale a pixel-based graphic, the software has to interpolate the pixels to fit the new size. Interpolation can result in a loss of quality, as the software has to guess which pixels to add or remove to fill in the gaps. However, when you scale a smart object that contains pixel-based graphics, the software uses a special type of interpolation called “smart interpolation.” Smart interpolation uses algorithms that preserve the details and edges of the image, resulting in a high-quality scaled image.
  3. Transformations are applied nondestructively When you apply transformations, such as scaling, rotating, or skewing, to a regular layer in Photoshop, the changes are applied directly to the layer pixels. This means that if you scale a layer up and then scale it back down, you will lose quality because the pixels have been permanently changed. However, when you apply transformations to a smart object, the changes are applied nondestructively to the entire layer stack inside the smart object. This means that you can scale a smart object up and down as many times as you want, without any loss in quality.
  4. Reusable assets One of the benefits of using smart objects is that they can be reused across multiple documents. For example, if you have a logo that you use on multiple designs, you can create a smart object of the logo and then place it in each document. If you need to scale the logo up or down for a specific design, you can do so without having to recreate the logo in different sizes. This saves time and ensures consistency across all of your designs.


In conclusion, smart objects are a powerful feature in Adobe Photoshop that allow for nondestructive editing and scaling of images. They can contain vector-based or pixel-based graphics, and use special interpolation algorithms to preserve image quality when scaling. Transformations are applied nondestructively to the entire layer stack inside the smart object, which means that they can be scaled up or down multiple times without any loss in quality. Smart objects are also reusable assets that can be used across multiple documents, saving time and ensuring consistency in design. By understanding the reasons why smart objects can be nondestructively scaled, designers and photographers can take full advantage of this feature and create high-quality, scalable designs.

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