Q: When using analytics programmes on your website, which of these do not fall under the category of a dimension?

A) The geographical location of the user
B) The browser a user uses to visit the site
C) The time a user spends on the site
D) The device users access the site with

Correct Answer is C) The time a user spends on the site

When Using Analytics Programmes on Your Website, Which of These Do Not Fall Under the Category of a Dimension?


Analytics programs are valuable tools for website owners to track website performance, visitor behavior, and other important metrics. One of the key features of analytics programs is the ability to track dimensions and metrics, which are used to measure different aspects of website performance. However, not all data points fall under the category of dimensions. In this article, we will explore what dimensions are and identify which data points do not fall under this category.

What Are Dimensions?

In the context of analytics programs, dimensions are attributes of website visitor behavior that can be measured and analyzed. Dimensions are usually descriptive data points, such as the type of device used, the visitor’s geographic location, the source of the traffic, or the landing page the visitor arrived on.

Dimensions are used to segment website visitor data into different categories, allowing website owners to better understand visitor behavior and optimize their website accordingly. For example, by analyzing visitor behavior by location, website owners can identify which geographic areas are most valuable for their business and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

What Data Points Do Not Fall Under the Category of Dimensions?


While dimensions are descriptive data points that can be used to segment website visitor data, metrics are numerical data points that provide insights into website performance. Metrics can be used to measure a wide range of website performance indicators, such as the number of visitors, the bounce rate, the time on site, or the conversion rate.

Unlike dimensions, metrics cannot be used to segment website visitor data into different categories. Instead, metrics provide a general overview of website performance and can be used to track progress over time or compare website performance against industry benchmarks.

User IDs

User IDs are unique identifiers that are assigned to website visitors to track their behavior over time. User IDs can be used to track the behavior of individual website visitors across different sessions and devices, providing a more complete picture of visitor behavior.

However, user IDs do not fall under the category of dimensions because they are not descriptive attributes of visitor behavior. Instead, user IDs are used to track individual visitors and connect their behavior across different sessions and devices.

Custom Variables

Custom variables are user-defined attributes that can be used to track additional information about website visitor behavior. Custom variables can be used to track a wide range of attributes, such as the visitor’s subscription status, the type of product viewed, or the visitor’s industry.

While custom variables can be used to segment visitor data, they do not fall under the category of dimensions because they are user-defined and not part of the default set of dimensions provided by analytics programs.


Events are actions that website visitors take on the website, such as clicking a button, watching a video, or downloading a file. Events can be used to track visitor engagement with specific website elements and provide insights into how visitors interact with the website.

However, events do not fall under the category of dimensions because they are actions taken by visitors, not descriptive attributes of visitor behavior. Instead, events are used to track specific actions taken by visitors and measure the impact of website changes or new features.


In conclusion, dimensions are descriptive attributes of website visitor behavior that can be used to segment visitor data and provide insights into visitor behavior. However, not all data points fall under the category of dimensions. Metrics, user IDs, custom variables, and events are all important data points that can provide valuable insights into website performance and visitor behavior, but they do not fall under the category of dimensions. By understanding the differences between dimensions and other data points, website owners can gain a deeper understanding of their website performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize their website.

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