Q: Social media tactics tend to fall into 3 categories:

A) Aimed, Taught, Bought
B) Earned, Borrowed, Acquired
C) Paid, Owned, Earned
D) Earned, Influenced, Purchased

Correct Answer is C)  Paid, Owned, Earned


Social media has become a critical component of many businesses’ marketing strategies. From large corporations to small startups, businesses of all sizes are leveraging social media to increase brand awareness, engage with customers, and drive sales. However, social media can be a complex and rapidly-evolving landscape, and businesses must adopt different tactics to achieve success. Social media tactics tend to fall into three categories: content creation, engagement, and advertising.

Content Creation

Content creation is the backbone of any successful social media strategy. It involves creating and sharing valuable and relevant content that resonates with your target audience. Effective content creation involves understanding your audience’s interests, preferences, and pain points and creating content that addresses these needs. This can include blog posts, infographics, videos, and other types of content that provide value to your audience.

In addition to creating high-quality content, businesses must also ensure that their content is optimized for social media platforms. This includes using eye-catching visuals, incorporating hashtags and keywords, and using a consistent tone and style across all channels. Businesses can also leverage user-generated content (UGC) to enhance their social media presence. UGC includes photos, videos, and other content created by customers and fans, which can be shared on social media to showcase the brand’s community and authenticity.


Engagement is another critical component of a successful social media strategy. It involves actively participating in conversations with your audience and building relationships with them. This can include responding to comments, messages, and mentions, as well as proactively reaching out to customers and fans to solicit feedback and address concerns.

Engagement can also involve leveraging social media to provide customer service. Many customers turn to social media to seek help or resolve issues, and businesses can use these interactions to demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction. In addition, businesses can use social media to showcase their company culture and values, by highlighting employee achievements, charitable initiatives, and other community involvement.


Finally, social media advertising is a key tactic for businesses looking to drive targeted traffic and increase conversions. Social media platforms offer a wide range of advertising options, including sponsored posts, promoted tweets, and display ads, among others. These ads can be targeted to specific audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and other factors.

Social media advertising allows businesses to reach new audiences and expand their reach beyond their existing followers. It also provides valuable data and insights into the effectiveness of ads, including click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost-per-click. This data can be used to optimize future campaigns and improve ROI.


Social media tactics tend to fall into three categories: content creation, engagement, and advertising. Businesses that adopt a comprehensive approach that includes all three tactics are more likely to achieve success on social media. Effective content creation requires a deep understanding of the target audience and a commitment to providing value through high-quality content. Engagement involves building relationships with customers and fans, and leveraging social media to provide customer service and showcase company culture. Finally, social media advertising offers a powerful tool for driving targeted traffic and increasing conversions, while providing valuable data and insights to optimize future campaigns. By leveraging these three tactics, businesses can create a strong and effective social media strategy that drives results and helps them achieve their marketing goals.

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