Q: It is not possible to copy a campaign From One Account To Another within Microsoft Advertising Editor. True Or False?

A) True
B) False

Correct Answer is B) False


It is not possible to copy a campaign from one account to another within Microsoft Advertising Editor. True or false?

Microsoft Advertising Editor is a powerful tool that allows advertisers to manage their advertising campaigns efficiently. One of the features that many advertisers find useful is the ability to copy campaigns within the same account. This allows advertisers to quickly create new campaigns based on existing ones, which can save a significant amount of time.

However, there are limitations to what can be done with campaigns in Microsoft Advertising Editor. One of the limitations is the inability to copy campaigns from one account to another.

Copying Campaigns Within the Same Account

Before diving into the limitations of copying campaigns between accounts, it is important to understand how to copy campaigns within the same account using Microsoft Advertising Editor.

To copy a campaign within the same account, follow these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Advertising Editor and select the account that contains the campaign you want to copy.
  2. In the left-hand navigation pane, click on the “Campaigns” tab.
  3. Select the campaign you want to copy and click on the “Copy” button in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
  4. A pop-up window will appear asking you to name the new campaign and select the ad groups and settings to copy over. Make your selections and click “OK” to create the new campaign.

Copying Campaigns Between Accounts

While copying campaigns within the same account is a straightforward process, copying campaigns between accounts is not possible within Microsoft Advertising Editor. This means that if you want to copy a campaign from one account to another, you will need to do so manually.

To manually copy a campaign from one account to another, follow these steps:

  1. Export the campaign you want to copy from the original account as a CSV file.
  2. Open the CSV file and make any necessary changes to account-specific information, such as campaign budget and targeting settings.
  3. Import the CSV file into the new account using Microsoft Advertising Editor.
  4. Review the imported campaign and make any necessary adjustments.

Limitations of Copying Campaigns Between Accounts

There are several reasons why it is not possible to copy campaigns from one account to another within Microsoft Advertising Editor. One of the main reasons is that different accounts may have different billing and payment settings. Copying a campaign from one account to another could result in the wrong payment settings being applied, which could cause issues with billing and payment.

Another reason why copying campaigns between accounts is not possible is that different accounts may have different targeting settings. For example, if one account is targeting a specific geographic region, copying a campaign from that account to an account that targets a different region could result in ads being shown to the wrong audience.


In conclusion, it is not possible to copy a campaign from one account to another within Microsoft Advertising Editor. While copying campaigns within the same account is a useful feature that can save time, there are limitations to what can be done with campaigns in the tool. If you need to copy a campaign from one account to another, you will need to do so manually by exporting the campaign as a CSV file and importing it into the new account. It is important to understand the limitations of copying campaigns between accounts in order to avoid issues with billing, payment, and targeting settings.

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