Q: Which of these is NOT a valid metric-dimension combination?

A) Sessions / Source
B) Time on Page / Device Type
C) Total Events / User Type
D) Sessions / Bounce rate

Correct Answer is D) Sessions / Bounce rate


When it comes to digital analytics, it is important to understand the different metrics and dimensions available and how they can be combined to provide valuable insights. Metrics are quantitative measurements, such as pageviews, bounce rate, or conversion rate, while dimensions are attributes that provide context for the metrics, such as country, device type, or source/medium. However, not all metric-dimension combinations are valid. In this article, we will explore the metric-dimension combinations that are not valid.

Pageviews by Time of Day

Pageviews are a metric that measures how many times a page on your website has been viewed. Time of day is a dimension that provides context for when these pageviews occurred. However, pageviews by time of day is not a valid metric-dimension combination because time of day is not a metric. You cannot measure time of day in terms of pageviews, as it does not provide a quantitative measurement.

Bounce Rate by Browser

Bounce rate is a metric that measures the percentage of users who land on a page on your website and leave without interacting with the page. Browser is a dimension that provides context for the type of browser used by the user. Bounce rate by browser is not a valid metric-dimension combination because bounce rate is not dependent on the browser used by the user. Bounce rate is a measure of engagement and interaction on a page, and is not affected by the user’s browser.

Average Session Duration by Device Type

Average session duration is a metric that measures the average length of time a user spends on your website. Device type is a dimension that provides context for the type of device used by the user. Average session duration by device type is not a valid metric-dimension combination because average session duration is not dependent on the device used by the user. Average session duration is a measure of engagement and time spent on your website, and is not affected by the user’s device.

Conversion Rate by City

Conversion rate is a metric that measures the percentage of users who complete a desired action on your website, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. City is a dimension that provides context for the user’s location. Conversion rate by city is not a valid metric-dimension combination because conversion rate is not dependent on the user’s location. Conversion rate is a measure of success and goal completion on your website, and is not affected by the user’s city.

Revenue by Landing Page

Revenue is a metric that measures the total amount of money generated from sales on your website. Landing page is a dimension that provides context for the page on your website where the user first landed. Revenue by landing page is a valid metric-dimension combination because revenue can be attributed to the page where the user first landed. By analyzing revenue by landing page, you can identify which pages on your website are driving the most sales and optimize them for even greater success.

In conclusion, when it comes to digital analytics, it is important to understand the different metrics and dimensions available and how they can be combined to provide valuable insights. However, not all metric-dimension combinations are valid. Pageviews by time of day, bounce rate by browser, average session duration by device type, conversion rate by city, and revenue by landing page are all examples of metric-dimension combinations that are either not valid or not recommended. By understanding which metric-dimension combinations are valid, you can analyze your data more effectively and make better decisions for your business.

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