Q: Which of the following SEMrush tools can help you with mobile SEO? Choose 3 answers.

A) Laurent, YZ
B) Listing Management
C) Position Tracking
D) Backlink Gap

E) Organic Research

F) Traffic Analytics

Correct Answer is: C, E, and F

Which of the following SEMrush tools can help you with mobile SEO? Choose 3 answers.


SEMrush is a powerful digital marketing tool that offers a wide range of features and capabilities to help businesses improve their online presence. One area where SEMrush excels is in mobile SEO, which is becoming increasingly important as more and more users access the internet via mobile devices. In this article, we will explore three SEMrush tools that can help you with mobile SEO.

SEMrush Tools for Mobile SEO

  1. Mobile Visibility: The first SEMrush tool that can help you with mobile SEO is Mobile Visibility. This tool allows you to track your website’s visibility in mobile search results, as well as your competitors’ visibility. By monitoring your mobile visibility, you can identify areas where your website may be falling behind and take steps to improve your mobile SEO strategy.

Mobile Visibility also provides data on mobile search volume, giving you insights into the keywords and phrases that users are searching for on mobile devices. This can help you optimize your content and meta tags to better align with mobile search queries.

  1. Mobile Keyword Research: Another SEMrush tool that can help you with mobile SEO is Mobile Keyword Research. This tool allows you to discover new keywords and phrases that are specific to mobile search. By identifying mobile-specific keywords, you can optimize your content and meta tags to better align with mobile search queries and improve your mobile SEO strategy.

Mobile Keyword Research also provides data on mobile search volume, competition, and trend data, giving you insights into the popularity and competitiveness of mobile keywords. This can help you prioritize your mobile keyword strategy and focus on the keywords that are most likely to drive traffic and conversions from mobile users.

  1. Site Audit: The third SEMrush tool that can help you with mobile SEO is Site Audit. This tool allows you to identify and fix technical issues on your website that may be impacting your mobile SEO. Site Audit provides data on a range of technical issues, including mobile responsiveness, page speed, and crawlability, and provides recommendations on how to fix these issues.

By using Site Audit to identify and fix technical issues on your website, you can improve your mobile user experience and ensure that your website is optimized for mobile search. This can help you improve your mobile visibility and drive more traffic and conversions from mobile users.


In conclusion, mobile SEO is becoming increasingly important as more and more users access the internet via mobile devices. SEMrush offers a wide range of tools and capabilities to help businesses improve their mobile SEO strategy. Mobile Visibility can help you track your website’s visibility in mobile search results, Mobile Keyword Research can help you discover new mobile-specific keywords, and Site Audit can help you identify and fix technical issues on your website. By leveraging these SEMrush tools, businesses can improve their mobile visibility, drive more traffic and conversions from mobile users, and stay ahead of the competition in the mobile search landscape.

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