Q: Which “mediums” are available in Google Analytics?

A) Referral
B) mail.google.com
D) Organic

Correct Answer is A: referral, C: cpc and D: organic


Google Analytics is a web analytics service that provides valuable insights into the behavior of visitors on a website. In Google Analytics, “medium” refers to the source through which a visitor arrived on the website. In this article, we will discuss the various mediums available in Google Analytics.

  1. Organic Search: Organic search refers to visitors who arrived on the website through a search engine, such as Google or Bing. These visitors searched for a specific keyword or phrase and clicked on a search result that led them to the website.
  2. Referral: Referral traffic refers to visitors who arrived on the website through a link on another website. This can include links from social media sites, blogs, news articles, or other types of websites.
  3. Direct: Direct traffic refers to visitors who arrived on the website by typing the website URL directly into their browser or using a bookmark. Direct traffic can also include visitors who arrived on the website by clicking on a link in an email or instant message.
  4. Paid Search: Paid search refers to visitors who arrived on the website through a paid advertising campaign, such as Google Ads or Bing Ads. These visitors clicked on an ad that led them to the website.
  5. Display: Display traffic refers to visitors who arrived on the website through a display advertising campaign, such as banner ads or other types of visual ads. These visitors clicked on an ad that led them to the website.
  6. Email: Email traffic refers to visitors who arrived on the website by clicking on a link in an email. This can include promotional emails, newsletters, or other types of emails that contain links to the website.
  7. Social: Social traffic refers to visitors who arrived on the website through social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. These visitors clicked on a link to the website that was shared on social media.

In addition to these seven mediums, Google Analytics also provides a “Other” category that includes any other source of traffic that does not fit into one of the above categories. This can include traffic from mobile apps, referral sources that cannot be identified, or other types of traffic.

Understanding the various mediums available in Google Analytics is important for website owners who want to analyze the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns and optimize their website for user engagement and conversion. By analyzing the sources of traffic to their website, website owners can identify which channels are driving the most traffic and which channels are most effective at converting visitors into customers.

To view the various mediums in Google Analytics, website owners can navigate to the “Acquisition” section in the Google Analytics dashboard and select the “All Traffic” report. This report provides a breakdown of traffic by medium, as well as other metrics such as bounce rate, average session duration, and conversion rate.

In addition to the “All Traffic” report, Google Analytics also provides reports for each individual medium, which can be accessed by clicking on the medium name in the “Acquisition” section. These reports provide more detailed information about the behavior of visitors who arrived on the website through each medium, including the pages they visited, the actions they took, and the goals they completed.

In conclusion, Google Analytics provides seven main mediums through which visitors can arrive on a website: organic search, referral, direct, paid search, display, email, and social. These mediums provide valuable insights into the behavior of visitors on a website and can be used to analyze the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and optimize the website for user engagement and conversion. By understanding the various mediums available in Google Analytics, website owners can make data-driven decisions to improve the performance of their website and grow their business.

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