Q: When are automated extensions, such as Seller Ratings, shown?

A) When an automated extension campaign is created.
B) When Google predicts they’ll improve ad performance.
C) When an account is white-listed for them.
D) When an advertiser manually opts in to receive them.

Correct Answer is B) When Google predicts they’ll improve ad performance.


When running Google Ads campaigns, automated extensions like Seller Ratings can provide additional information about a business to potential customers. But when are these automated extensions shown?

Automated extensions are added by Google to ads that meet certain criteria. The goal of these extensions is to provide additional information to potential customers without requiring any extra work from the advertiser.

Here are a few examples of automated extensions and when they might be shown:

Seller Ratings

Seller Ratings provide an average rating out of five stars based on reviews collected from various sources. To be eligible for Seller Ratings, a business must have at least 100 unique reviews within the past 12 months and an average rating of at least 3.5 stars.

Seller Ratings are shown in search ads when:

  • The ad appears in a Google search
  • The ad uses the Search Network
  • The business has enough reviews to meet the eligibility requirements

Dynamic Sitelink Extensions

Dynamic Sitelink Extensions automatically create additional links to a website that are related to the search query. For example, if someone searches for “shoes” and clicks on an ad for a shoe store, a Dynamic Sitelink Extension might appear with links to specific pages for men’s shoes, women’s shoes, and children’s shoes.

Dynamic Sitelink Extensions are shown in search ads when:

  • The ad appears in a Google search
  • The ad uses the Search Network
  • The ad doesn’t have other sitelink extensions already added

Dynamic Structured Snippets

Dynamic Structured Snippets provide additional details about the products or services offered by a business. These snippets are automatically generated based on the website content and search query.

Dynamic Structured Snippets are shown in search ads when:

  • The ad appears in a Google search
  • The ad uses the Search Network
  • Google determines that the website content is relevant to the search query

Automated Call Extensions

Automated Call Extensions add a phone number to the ad so that potential customers can call the business directly from the ad.

Automated Call Extensions are shown in search ads when:

  • The ad appears in a Google search
  • The ad uses the Search Network
  • The business has a phone number associated with their Google Ads account

Location Extensions

Location Extensions provide information about the physical location of a business, such as the address and phone number. This information can be particularly helpful for people who are searching for local businesses.

Location Extensions are shown in search ads when:

  • The ad appears in a Google search
  • The ad uses the Search Network
  • The business has a verified Google My Business listing

In summary, automated extensions like Seller Ratings, Dynamic Sitelink Extensions, Dynamic Structured Snippets, Automated Call Extensions, and Location Extensions are shown in Google Ads search ads when certain eligibility requirements are met and when the ad is using the Search Network. These extensions can provide valuable information to potential customers without requiring any extra effort from the advertiser.

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