Q: What would prevent data from appearing in a custom report?

A) Not sharing the Custom report with users in the same view
B) A filter that filters out all data
C) Dimensions and metrics of different scopes
D) Too many dimensions applied to the Custom report

Correct Answer is B) A filter that filters out all data


Custom reports are a powerful feature of Google Analytics that allow website owners to analyze and understand data that is specific to their business and website. Custom reports can be used to track a variety of important metrics, such as revenue, conversions, and engagement, that are not available with the standard Google Analytics setup. However, it is not uncommon for users to encounter issues with custom reports, such as missing data or incomplete information. In this article, we will explore some of the common reasons why data might not appear in a custom report and how to resolve these issues.

Incorrect Date Range

One of the most common reasons why data might not appear in a custom report is due to an incorrect date range. Custom reports allow users to specify the date range for the data that is being analyzed, and if this date range is not set correctly, data may not appear in the report. To ensure that the correct date range is set, users should double-check the start and end dates of the report and ensure that they are consistent with the data they want to analyze.

Incorrect Metrics or Dimensions

Another common reason why data might not appear in a custom report is due to incorrect metrics or dimensions. Custom reports allow users to specify the metrics and dimensions that are being analyzed, and if these are not set correctly, data may not appear in the report. To ensure that the correct metrics and dimensions are set, users should double-check the settings for the report and ensure that they are consistent with the data they want to analyze.


Custom reports can also be filtered to display specific data, and if the filters are set incorrectly, data may not appear in the report. To ensure that the correct filters are set, users should double-check the settings for the report and ensure that they are consistent with the data they want to analyze.


When custom reports contain large amounts of data, Google Analytics may use sampling to speed up the report generation process. Sampling involves analyzing a representative subset of the data rather than the entire dataset, and this can sometimes result in incomplete or inaccurate data. To avoid sampling, users can try reducing the date range or adjusting the dimensions and metrics used in the report.

Incorrect Permissions

If a user does not have the correct permissions to access the data being analyzed in a custom report, data may not appear in the report. Users should ensure that they have the necessary permissions to view the data being analyzed in the report.

Technical Issues

Finally, technical issues with Google Analytics or the user’s website can also prevent data from appearing in a custom report. For example, issues with tracking code or server errors can impact the accuracy and completeness of data in Google Analytics. Users should check for any technical issues that may be impacting the accuracy of their custom reports and take appropriate steps to resolve them.

In conclusion, custom reports are a powerful tool for website owners to analyze and understand data specific to their business and website. However, users may encounter issues with custom reports, such as missing data or incomplete information. By checking for common issues such as incorrect date ranges, incorrect metrics or dimensions, filters, sampling, incorrect permissions, and technical issues, users can troubleshoot and resolve these issues to ensure that their custom reports provide accurate and complete data.

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