Q: What Is Used to Create Smart Goals?

A) Machine-learning algorithms
B) Remarketing audience
C) Analytics Goals
D) Custom Reports

Correct Answer is A) Machine-learning algorithms


Smart Goals are a feature in Google Analytics that use machine learning algorithms to automatically identify and track conversion goals on your website. These goals are designed to provide an easy and accurate way to measure the performance of your website and campaigns.

To create Smart Goals, you don’t need to do any additional setup or configuration. Instead, Google Analytics uses the data it collects from your website to automatically identify and track potential conversion actions, such as purchases, contact form submissions, and sign-ups.

Once Smart Goals are created, you can view performance data and insights for these goals in your Google Analytics reports, just like any other goal you have defined in your account. You can also compare the performance of Smart Goals to other goals you have defined in your account, and use this information to optimize your website and campaigns for better results.

It’s important to note that Smart Goals are not a replacement for manually defined goals, but rather a complementary feature that can provide additional insights into the performance of your website. By combining the data from both Smart Goals and manually defined goals, you can gain a more complete understanding of how users interact with your website and achieve better results from your marketing efforts.

Learn more here: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6153083

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