Q: What cannot be collected by the default Analytics tracking code?

A) Device and operating system
B) Page visits
C) User’s favorite website
D) Browser language setting

Correct Answer is D) User’s favorite website


There is not any option in Google Analytics’ interface to identify the data about User’s favorite website. Whereas you can see how your users accessed your website, what were the operating system and device, their language and geo detail, how many pages and list of pages viewed during your users’ visit.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows website owners to track user behavior and gain insights into how their website is being used. By default, the Google Analytics tracking code collects a wide range of data, including pageviews, sessions, bounce rates, and more. However, there are certain types of data that cannot be collected by the default tracking code. In this article, we’ll explore some of the limitations of the default Analytics tracking code.

Personally identifiable information (PII)

One of the most important limitations of the default Analytics tracking code is that it cannot collect personally identifiable information (PII). PII includes any information that can be used to identify an individual, such as their name, email address, or phone number.

Collecting PII is prohibited by Google’s terms of service, and attempting to do so can result in your Analytics account being suspended or terminated. This means that you cannot use the default tracking code to collect information such as user names, email addresses, or phone numbers.

User actions outside of the website

The default Analytics tracking code is designed to track user behavior on your website. This means that it can track things like pageviews, sessions, and events that occur on your website. However, it cannot track user actions outside of your website.

For example, if a user clicks on a link that takes them to a different website, the default tracking code cannot track that action. Similarly, if a user interacts with your brand on social media or via email, that information cannot be collected by the default tracking code.

Ad-blocking software

Another limitation of the default Analytics tracking code is that it may not be able to collect data from users who have ad-blocking software installed on their browsers. Ad-blocking software is designed to prevent ads and other content from being displayed on a website, and in some cases, it may also block the Google Analytics tracking code.

If a user has ad-blocking software installed and it is blocking the tracking code, you may not be able to collect data from that user. This means that your Analytics data may not be completely accurate, as it does not include data from users with ad-blocking software.

Offline conversions

Finally, the default Analytics tracking code cannot track offline conversions, such as phone calls, in-person visits, or purchases made in a physical store. This is because the default tracking code is designed to track user behavior on your website, not offline behavior.

However, there are ways to track offline conversions using Google Analytics. For example, you can use call tracking software to track phone calls and link them to your Analytics account, or you can use in-store tracking technology to track visits and purchases made in a physical store. These methods require additional setup and may involve the use of third-party tools or services.

In conclusion, the default Analytics tracking code is a powerful tool that can provide valuable insights into how your website is being used. However, there are certain limitations to what it can collect. Specifically, the default tracking code cannot collect personally identifiable information, user actions outside of your website, data from users with ad-blocking software, or offline conversions. If you need to collect any of these types of data, you may need to use additional tools or services to do so.

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