Q: To see data for users from the U.S. and Canada only in a view, which filter would be applied?

A) Filter 1: exclude Europe and Asia
B) Filter 1: include U.S. and Canada
C) Filter 1: include Canada > Filter 2: include U.S.
D) Filter 1: include U.S. > Filter 2: include Canada

Correct Answer is B) Filter 1: include U.S. and Canada.

To see data for users from the U.S. and Canada only in a view, which filter would be applied?


Google Analytics is a powerful tool that allows website owners to track and analyze their website traffic. One of the features of Google Analytics is the ability to filter data based on various criteria, such as location, device type, and user behavior. Filtering data can help website owners to better understand their target audience and make data-driven decisions. In this article, we will discuss which filter would be applied to see data for users from the U.S. and Canada only in a view.

Applying a Country Filter

To see data for users from the U.S. and Canada only in a view, we would apply a country filter. A country filter allows us to filter data based on the country of origin of the user. In this case, we want to filter data for users who are from the U.S. and Canada only.

To apply a country filter, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to Google Analytics and select the view that you want to apply the filter to.

Step 2: Click on the “Admin” button in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Step 3: In the “View” column, click on “Filters.”

Step 4: Click on the “+ Add Filter” button.

Step 5: Enter a name for the filter in the “Filter Name” field.

Step 6: Select “Custom” in the “Filter Type” field.

Step 7: In the “Filter Field” dropdown, select “Country.”

Step 8: In the “Filter Pattern” field, enter “United States|Canada” (without quotes).

Step 9: Click on the “Save” button.

This filter will only show data for users who are from the United States or Canada. Any traffic from other countries will be excluded from the view.

Benefits of Using a Country Filter

Using a country filter in Google Analytics can provide several benefits, including:

  1. Targeting Specific Geographic Areas: By filtering data by country, website owners can better understand their target audience and tailor their marketing efforts accordingly. For example, if a website owner wants to target users in the U.S. and Canada only, they can use a country filter to see data for those countries specifically.
  2. Improved Accuracy: Filtering data by country can help to improve the accuracy of website analytics. By excluding traffic from other countries, website owners can get a more accurate picture of their target audience and their behavior on the website.
  3. Better Insights: By seeing data for specific countries only, website owners can gain better insights into the behavior of users from those countries. This can help to identify trends and patterns that may be unique to that geographic area.
  4. Enhanced Reporting: Filtering data by country can also enhance reporting capabilities. Website owners can create reports that focus on specific countries or compare data between different countries. This can help to identify areas of opportunity or areas that need improvement.


Filtering data in Google Analytics is an essential tool for website owners who want to better understand their website traffic. Applying a country filter is one way to filter data and see data for users from specific geographic areas only. By applying a country filter, website owners can target specific geographic areas, improve accuracy, gain better insights, and enhance reporting capabilities. With this filter, website owners can make data-driven decisions and optimize their website for their target audience.

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