Q: Synchronization operations are only applied to the accounts and campaigns you’ve downloaded to the Bing Ads Editor. True or false?

A) True
B) False

Correct Answer is A) True.

Synchronization operations are only applied to the accounts and campaigns you’ve downloaded to the Bing Ads Editor. True or false?


Bing Ads Editor is a powerful tool that helps advertisers manage their campaigns efficiently. It allows advertisers to make changes to their campaigns and accounts offline and then upload those changes when they are ready. One of the features of Bing Ads Editor is synchronization, which helps ensure that the offline changes made in the editor are reflected in the online accounts. In this article, we will explore synchronization operations in Bing Ads Editor and answer the question of whether they are only applied to the accounts and campaigns downloaded to the editor.

Synchronization Operations in Bing Ads Editor

Synchronization is the process of ensuring that the changes made in Bing Ads Editor are reflected in the online accounts. When you make changes to your campaigns or accounts in Bing Ads Editor, those changes are stored offline in the editor’s database. The synchronization process uploads those changes to the online accounts, ensuring that they are up-to-date and accurate.

Synchronization operations in Bing Ads Editor include the following:

  • Adding, editing, or deleting campaigns, ad groups, keywords, ads, or other objects
  • Changing bids, budgets, or targeting options
  • Updating or adding negative keywords
  • Changing ad rotation settings or ad schedules
  • Adding or changing campaign-level or ad group-level settings

When you make any of these changes in Bing Ads Editor, the synchronization process starts automatically. By default, synchronization occurs every five minutes. However, you can manually trigger synchronization at any time by clicking the Sync button in the toolbar.

Accounts and Campaigns Downloaded to Bing Ads Editor

Now that we have an understanding of synchronization operations let’s address the question of whether they are only applied to the accounts and campaigns downloaded to Bing Ads Editor. The answer is true.

Bing Ads Editor is an offline tool that allows advertisers to manage their campaigns offline. When you first launch Bing Ads Editor, you need to download the accounts and campaigns you want to work on. Once you have downloaded them, you can make changes to them offline in the editor. The synchronization process ensures that those changes are reflected in the online accounts.

However, synchronization operations are only applied to the accounts and campaigns downloaded to Bing Ads Editor. If you make changes to campaigns or accounts that are not downloaded to the editor, those changes will not be synchronized with the online accounts. Therefore, it is essential to download all the accounts and campaigns you want to work on in Bing Ads Editor to ensure that your changes are applied correctly.


In conclusion, synchronization operations in Bing Ads Editor are critical to ensuring that offline changes made in the editor are reflected in the online accounts. Synchronization operations include adding, editing, or deleting campaigns, ad groups, keywords, ads, or other objects, changing bids, budgets, or targeting options, and updating or adding negative keywords, among others. However, synchronization operations are only applied to the accounts and campaigns downloaded to Bing Ads Editor. To ensure that your changes are applied correctly, you must download all the accounts and campaigns you want to work on in Bing Ads Editor.

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