Q: Swee Yin’s fashion-apparel department store runs a popular biannual sale on men’s hats, with large discounts and surprise bonus items. She wants to tailor her Google Search campaign to highlight this sale. How can Google Search campaigns be tailored to promote her company’s sales event? (Choose two.)

A) By creating a new ad group for the sale.
B) By setting campaign start/end dates.
C) By adding coupon alerts to people nearby the store.
D) By choosing “leads” as the campaign goal.

Correct Answer is A, and B.


Swee Yin can tailor her Google Search campaign to promote her company’s biannual sale on men’s hats in the following ways:

  1. Ad copy and messaging: Swee Yin can create ad copy and messaging that emphasizes the sale and highlights the discounts and bonus items being offered. This can help attract users who are looking for a good deal on men’s hats, and drive more clicks and conversions for her campaign.
  2. Keyword targeting: Swee Yin can use keyword targeting to reach users who are searching for terms related to men’s hats, sales, and discounts. She can add relevant keywords to her campaign, such as “men’s hat sale” or “discounted men’s hats”, to ensure that her ads are shown to users who are most likely to be interested in her sale.

By tailoring her Google Search campaign with effective ad copy and messaging, and targeting the right keywords, Swee Yin can increase the visibility and relevance of her ads, and drive more qualified traffic to her site during her biannual sale.

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