Q: Michelle recently launched a new product called **Wonder Boots**. The brand has already become well-known in her industry. She wants to attract more traffic via Google Ads but only for searches that are solely for her product name (**Wonder Boots**). Which keyword match type should Michelle use to attract traffic strictly for searches for the **Wonder Boots** product name?

A) Exact match
B) Broad match
C) Phrase match
D) Broad-match modifier

Correct Answer is C) Phrase match


Michelle recently launched a new product called Wonder Boots and wants to attract more traffic via Google Ads but only for searches that are solely for her product name Wonder Boots. To achieve this, Michelle should use the exact match type for the Wonder Boots product name.

When creating a Google Ads campaign, one of the most critical decisions is choosing the right keyword match type. There are four different match types available in Google Ads: broad match, phrase match, exact match, and broad match modifier. Each match type has its advantages and disadvantages, and selecting the right one depends on the campaign’s goals and objectives.

In this case, Michelle wants to attract traffic strictly for searches for the Wonder Boots product name. Exact match is the best keyword match type for this objective. Exact match is the most restrictive match type and ensures that ads are only shown for the exact keyword or phrase that is being searched for. In other words, ads will only appear for searches that match the Wonder Boots product name precisely.

By using the exact match type, Michelle can ensure that her ads are only shown to people who are specifically searching for the Wonder Boots product name. This ensures that her advertising budget is spent efficiently, and she is not wasting money on irrelevant clicks. Additionally, exact match keywords typically have a higher click-through rate (CTR) and a lower cost-per-click (CPC) than other match types, which can help Michelle achieve a higher return on investment (ROI) for her advertising spend.

It’s important to note that even with an exact match type, there may still be some variations in the search queries that trigger the ads. For example, if someone searches for “Wonder Boots sale” or “buy Wonder Boots,” Michelle’s ads could still potentially appear since the product name is included in the search query. However, the exact match type will significantly reduce the number of irrelevant clicks that Michelle’s ads receive, which can save her money and improve the effectiveness of her campaign.


In conclusion, the exact match type is the best option for Michelle to attract traffic strictly for searches for the Wonder Boots product name. This match type ensures that Michelle’s ads are only shown to people who are searching for the exact product name, which can save her money and improve the effectiveness of her campaign. When setting up a Google Ads campaign, it’s crucial to consider the match type carefully and choose the one that best aligns with the campaign’s goals and objectives.

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