Q: Fill in the blanks: ______ reviews are the source for your rating in the Knowledge Panel on Google, while Apple maps uses the review stars from ______ by default.

A) TripAdvisor, Facebook
B) Google, Facebook
C) Google, Yelp
D) TripAdvisor, Foursquare

Correct Answer is C) Google, Yelp.


Google reviews are the source for your rating in the Knowledge Panel on Google, while Apple Maps uses the review stars from Apple Maps by default.

The Knowledge Panel is a feature in Google Search that displays information about a person, place, or organization. It provides users with a quick and easy way to find information about a particular entity and can include details such as location, hours of operation, website, images, and reviews. The Knowledge Panel is generated from a variety of sources, including Google’s own database as well as third-party sources, and is designed to provide the user with a comprehensive and up-to-date view of the entity in question.

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