You want to determine which ads lead to clicks and conversions, and which are not performing. Which type of report should you select?

Q: You want to determine which ads lead to clicks and conversions, and which are not performing. Which type of report should you select? A) Ad reportB) Ad group reportC) Search term reportD) Ad group report E) Campaign report Correct Answer is A) Ad report Explanation: To determine which ads lead to clicks and conversions and which are not performing, you should select the Conversion Report in Google Ads. The Conversion Report provides detailed information on the number of clicks and conversions generated by your ads, as well as the cost per conversion. This report allows you to see which…

Continue ReadingYou want to determine which ads lead to clicks and conversions, and which are not performing. Which type of report should you select?

What is the main advantage of using dynamic text in your ads?

Q: What is the main advantage of using dynamic text in your ads? A) Displays ads only to customers most interested in purchasing.B) Turns generic ads into custom ads.C) Helps you find synonyms for the keywords you’ve chosen.D) Allows you to exceed the character limits for Bing Ads ads. Correct Answer is B) Turns generic ads into custom ads.

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Coho Winery wants their ad to display for the keyword “cabernet sauvignon” only when a customer’s search query matches their keyword exactly, including some close variants, with no extra words. Which keyword match option should they select?

Q: Coho Winery wants their ad to display for the keyword “cabernet sauvignon” only when a customer’s search query matches their keyword exactly, including some close variants, with no extra words. Which keyword match option should they select? A) Phrase matchB) Exact matchC) Broad matchD) Negative keyword Correct Answer is B) Exact match. Explanation: Source

Continue ReadingCoho Winery wants their ad to display for the keyword “cabernet sauvignon” only when a customer’s search query matches their keyword exactly, including some close variants, with no extra words. Which keyword match option should they select?

Universal Event Tracking (UET) is a mechanism for advertisers to do what?

Q: Universal Event Tracking (UET) is a mechanism for advertisers to do what? A) Use a UET Tag Helper to reach your ROI goals.B) Report user activity on their websites to Bing Ad.sC) Determine your campaign conversion goals.D) None of the above Correct Answer is B) Report user activity on their websites to Bing Ad.s.

Continue ReadingUniversal Event Tracking (UET) is a mechanism for advertisers to do what?

What key strategies might an advertiser use Microsoft Advertising Intelligence for?

Q: What key strategies might an advertiser use Microsoft Advertising Intelligence for? A) Cross-border expansionB) Webpage analysisC) Keyword expansionD) None of the above E) All of the above Correct Answer is E) All of the above. Explanation: Microsoft Advertising Intelligence is a keyword research tool for Microsoft Advertising (formerly known as Bing Ads). Advertisers can use this tool to gain insights into their target audience and optimize their search advertising campaigns. Some key strategies an advertiser might use Microsoft Advertising Intelligence for include: Keyword research: Advertisers can use Microsoft Advertising Intelligence to research relevant keywords for their target audience, understand their…

Continue ReadingWhat key strategies might an advertiser use Microsoft Advertising Intelligence for?