Filters cannot perform what action on collected data?

Q: Filters cannot perform what action on collected data? A) Include data from specific subdomainsB) Convert dynamic page URLs to readable text stringsC) Include shopping preferencesD) Exclude traffic from particular IP addresses Correct Answer is C) Include shopping preferences Explanation: View filters allow you to limit and modify the traffic data that is included in a view. For example, you can use filters to exclude traffic from particular IP addresses, focus on a specific subdomain or directory, or convert dynamic page URLs into readable text strings. Learn more here:

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Custom Dimensions can be used as what?

Q: Custom Dimensions can be used as what? A) Secondary dimensions in Custom ReportsB) Primary dimensions in Custom ReportsC) Secondary dimensions in Standard reportsD) All of the above Correct Answer is D) All of the above Explanation: Custom dimensions can appear as primary dimensions in Custom Reports. You can also use them as Segments and secondary dimensions in standard reports. Learn more here:

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How does Google Ads generate responsive search ads?

Q: How does Google Ads generate responsive search ads? A) Google Ads mixes and matches headlines and URLs that have been providedB) Google Ads creates them based on existing high performing ad copyC) Google Ads mixes and matches headlines and description lines that have been providedD) Google Ads creates them based on existing ad copy, landing pages, and extensions Correct Answer is C) Google Ads mixes and matches headlines and description lines that have been provided What are Responsive Search Ads? Responsive Search Ads (RSA) are a type of search ad that allows advertisers to provide multiple headlines and descriptions…

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Which ad extensions can serve automatically?

What Are Ad Extensions and How Do They Increase Your Impact? Ad extensions are an effective way to increase your impact on potential customers. They are automated features that can be added to your Google Ads campaigns to improve the visibility of your ads. Ad extensions can help you stand out from the competition and get more clicks, impressions, and conversions. Ad extensions provide additional information about your business, such as contact details, location information, product or service descriptions, and more. By using ad extensions in your PPC campaigns, you can make sure that potential customers have all the necessary…

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In Multi-Channel Funnel reports, how are default conversions credited?

Q: In Multi-Channel Funnel reports, how are default conversions credited? A) First campaign, search, or adB) Equal credit along the conversion touchpointsC) Last campaign, search, or adD) Second to last campaign, search, or ad Correct Answer is C) Last campaign, search, or ad Explanation: In Multi-Channel Funnel reports, how are default conversions credited? Multi-Channel Funnel reports in Google Analytics provide valuable insights into how users interact with your website and marketing channels. These reports allow you to see the full customer journey, from the first interaction to the final conversion. However, understanding how default conversions are credited in these reports…

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Sampling is Applied To Reports Before Segmentation.

Q: Sampling is applied to reports before Segmentation. True False Correct Answer is "False" Explanation: Yes, that's correct. In Google Analytics, sampling is applied to reports before segmentation. Sampling refers to the process of analyzing a smaller subset of data to represent the entire dataset. This is done to speed up report generation and reduce the amount of data that needs to be processed. When sampling is applied, Google Analytics selects a representative subset of data from the available data set and uses that data to generate the report. The report is then representative of the entire dataset, but with…

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What Asset is Used to Build a Remarketing List?

Q: What Asset is Used to Build a Remarketing List? A) Custom MetricB) Custom ReportC) Custom SegmentD) Custom Dimension Correct Answer is C) Custom Segment Remarketing is a powerful advertising strategy that allows businesses to target people who have previously interacted with their website, mobile app, or other online assets. This strategy can be highly effective for driving conversions and increasing brand awareness, as it targets people who are already familiar with the business and have shown some level of interest in their products or services. In order to build a remarketing list, businesses need to use a special asset…

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What Campaigns Require Manual Tags on Destination URLs for Tracking?

Q: What Campaigns Require Manual Tags on Destination URLs for Tracking? A) AdWords campaignsB) AdWords and email campaignsC) Email campaignsD) None of the above Correct Answer is C) Email campaigns Explanation: By adding campaign parameters to your URLs, you can identify the campaigns that send traffic to your site. When a user clicks a referral link, these parameters are sent to Analytics, so you can see the effectiveness of each campaign in your reports. Google Adwords gives you an option to track campaign using auto-tagging. In digital marketing, tracking the effectiveness of your campaigns is essential to understanding your return…

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What Criteria cannot be Used to Create a Custom Segment?

Q: What Criteria cannot be Used to Create a Custom Segment? A) Sequences of user actionsB) Ad typeC) MetricsD) Dimensions Correct Answer is B) Ad type What Criteria cannot be Used to Create a Custom Segment? Explanation: Google Analytics allows users to create custom segments to better understand the behavior of their website visitors. Custom segments are subsets of website traffic that meet specific criteria, such as users who have made a purchase, users who have spent a certain amount of time on the site, or users who have visited a specific page. While there are many criteria that can…

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What Feature Must Be Enabled to Use Multi-Channel Funnels?

Q: What Feature Must Be Enabled to Use Multi-Channel Funnels? A) Custom DimensionsB) In-page AnalyticsC) Goals or EcommerceD) Advertising Features Correct Answer is C) Goals or Ecommerce Explanation: The Multi-Channel Funnels reports are generated from conversion paths, the sequences of interactions (i.e., clicks/referrals from channels) during the 90 days1 that led up to each conversion and transaction. Analytics compiles conversion path data for any Goal or Ecommerce transaction you define. Multi-Channel Funnels is a powerful feature in Google Analytics that allows you to see the full path that users take to convert on your website. This includes all of the…

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